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i REQU�ST FOR COUNCTL ACTIQN <br />2 <br />3 Date: S/131�� � <br />4 Iterri No: 7.�=�. <br />6 Department Appro�al: Managear App�roved; Agenda Sectibn: <br />7 �� "'� '�� � ���'l� ' Consent <br />9 Itern Description: Apparoval a� �'ayrraents <br />10 <br />11 <br />� 2 Introductian <br />I3 S�ate Sta�ute requires the City Council to apprave all payment of claims. Tk�e £oiIawing <br />14 sum�nary of claims l�as bee� sub�ittec� ta the City for payment. <br />15 <br />16 <br />1 `7 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />2�- <br />25 <br />2& <br />27 <br />2$ <br />ACH Payrnents $1,�}9�6,592.99 <br />482&1-48621 $627,582.�0 <br />Toial $2,074�,175.39 <br />8 <br />A detailed repo�t of the clair�s is attached. City Stafi have reviewed the claims a�d co�siders <br />t�errz to be ap�ropriate for t�Ze goocis az�d services received. All expendii�res have heen �unded <br />by the cu�r�ent bud�et, irom donated monies, ar frorn reserves. <br />Sta�� Recamxnenda#ion <br />Stafi recommends ap�rnval of all paynnent fl£ claims. <br />Couneil Ac�ion Requested <br />Approve payrn�nt of claims as subnr�ii�ed. <br />