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�-� <br />� r <br />� � ���� � <br />�, Y�� ��,� ;` <br />` �k , , .. <br />��� � . <br />� ,r.� .;: : . ;, <br />a�� <br />Da�e; 10/22/07 <br />Iiem: S.a <br />Proclamation nf Nove�ber <br />Are�eriean �ndlia� Ma�u�h <br />.. , . ; .: . <br />,. .: i. . .. >. ,. ;•...i ;: ' <br />: � _�: � �� �. ' .� <br />�: <br />'�t: . �, ;`�I ; <br />Where�s: The City of Roseville is lacated on land that was once horne to rt�any <br />Da�o�a an� Ojib�va India�as; az�d <br />VV�ereas: T�ae Ciiy o�Roseville is cnmrr�itted to prozaaatiizg racial und�rstandaz��; and <br />ec�uality and j�zstic� as a f�:n.damental aspect o� a healthy eozn�unity; and <br />"VVt�ere�s: Ti�e A��.ericaz� ��dian comrnunity has mad� subs�an�ial cantributions to <br />our culture, language arid co�rar�unity; an� <br />Whereas: Tl�e �rr�erican �z�dian community �as brou�hf val�es and ideas t1�ai �.ave <br />becorne ingrained in tk�e American spirit including respect �`nr the natural e�viz�o�ent, <br />respecfi for cultural differences a�d the awaren.ess that diversity can be a snurce of <br />st�'eng�h ratkzer t�a� division; and <br />W�ereas: Sy Ac� of Congress of the United States, Navemb�r is declared as <br />American I�adian Heritage Mon�i�; and <br />Whe�-eas: T�azs abservance offers specza� oppart�nitzes to beca�e �zaore <br />knowledgeable abo�:t i�e Az��rican Indian �eritage a�ad to hanor �he many A�eariaan <br />�ndian leaciers who have contributed to the progress of o�r nation. <br />1`Tovv, �'he�efv�e Be �t Re�o�veci, that tl�e City Council hereb� proclaim the m.ont� of <br />No�vember 2007 as American Tndian Heritage Moz�t� zz� the City of Rosevil�e and uxg� all <br />citizens to join in appreciatia�a for our rich and diverse cazz�munity. <br />In tk�e Git� af Rasevi�le, County bf Ra�nse�r, Stale of Mi�anesata, U.�.A <br />�� �'iimess Wbe�e��, ��ave l�er�unto sei my hand a��t� caused the Seal of t�e City o� <br />Rasevi�le to be a�'�'i�ed tl�is 22nd day oi Ocfiober 2007. <br />Mayor �raig D. Klausing <br />