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� <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />S <br />6 <br />7 <br />S <br />9 <br />10 <br />�� <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />2S <br />25 <br />27 <br />zs <br />29 <br />30 <br />3� <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />Depaartannent Approval <br />Z�em Description: <br />Sackground: <br />j�,S�iv�][�� <br />Request �or Coun�il Action <br />Manager Approval <br />- - „ , <br />Date: 10/22/07 <br />�iem N�mber: 7.a <br />Agenda Sectia� <br />Ordinances <br />�n�cf au Urdi�ance Amending Trtle S, Ci�apter SOI, AnimaI Co�tral <br />�4t the 10.8.�7 Councii meeting, ihe CouneXl z�dicated a consensus to ame�d the City's Anima� <br />Control Qrdinance for t�e purpose of enco�'agzng s�eriliza�ion o�c�oznestic animals and <br />compliance with the Cit�'s Iicensi�g requiareme�ts. Wa�kin� with Caro1 Ko��h and others, <br />Councilmerr�ber �'ust �as drafted the attached ordinance azne�.dza�ent �'or the CoLU�cil's <br />consideraiion. <br />PQ�icy: <br />�t is withiz� the Councii's authorit� to amend Ciiy Co�.e. <br />Tinanciai: <br />The witnesses on 10.$.07 indicaied ihai they would donate to the City t�e equipment neeessary <br />to read miero-chi�ped zd.e�tz�'ication iags Iavafully inserted in doxnestic ani�n.als. The increased <br />and u�dated lieense fees in the propased ordi�ance sl�ould better cover the City's costs d� <br />providing this importan� servzce to zts citizens. <br />Recom�nendation: <br />Cauncilmem�er Pust recommends t�Zat the Cauncil appz-ove t�e attached language, which makes <br />t�e follavving necessary changes to t�e ordinance: <br />1. Adds a definitifln of "aitered animal" to re%r to a� a�irnal tha� �as been s�erilized. <br />39 2. Identi�ies vialatia�s af the ordinance to be an adrrainistra�ive offez�se foar wl�ich <br />40 ad�z�nzstrative �enalties can be impased, which shauld fuxthcz ez�caurage campliance and <br />41 cover City costs associated v�tith enforcet�eni. <br />9�2 3. Deletes outdated re%rence to animals i� hotels. <br />43 �. Alldws t�e Cii.y to designat�d at�ex� entit�es to se�llicenses, whzch will allow the City ia <br />4� work with lacal vetezinarians to incarparate this funetion into "well an.irnal" cl�ecks. <br />