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1 l,%�,. �' �" ' "�"� <br />z Request for Council Act�on <br />� <br />� <br />S <br />6 <br />� <br />S <br />9 <br />TO <br />�.1 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />�7 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />2� <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />2S <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />Date: �ctobear 22, ZO07 <br />Item Number: 10,e <br />Departm�nt Approval Manager Approva� Agenda �ection <br />� � �tL„►� /i ' R.eparts <br />Item Desc�iption: Imagine <br />Back�round: <br />2025 Strat�g�c Planniag <br />A� the Qciaber l., 2007, Ciiy Cou�cil meetz�g Councilmembers ideniifed their �riorities <br />�rom tke Sepfiember 12 Imagine Roseviile 2025 brainstorming dac�rnent. Following their <br />discussi4� Carzncii asked staff �o revise the 2025 documeni to show only the prioriiies <br />they identified. <br />Couneil clarif ed ihat �emovzng items from the �riority Iist does not mean they were not <br />im�aartant, rather those items may be cansiderec� at a future daie. <br />Cauncifinembers gen�arally identzf �d pariQritzes usi�g the numberi�g un�er the <br />Brainstarming section o£tkze dacu�nent (�pr exarr�ple: �.A.Ia). Qn a�ew oceasions, a <br />Counczl�nember ideniified an idea by Item number. When identifed by the Ite�n, staff <br />inciuded all brains�orming ideas to ensure that something was not overlooket�. T��se <br />Items ineluded 1A3; 1A6; 2A1; 2A9; 1C1; 2D2; 2D3; 2D4; 3D�; �A�; SA4; SAS; SA6; <br />6A; 7A1; 7A�; 7B 1; 783; 8A4; $Bl ; 8B3; 1 XB5; � 1D1; 1� D3; 1�D6. Many of these <br />items anly �ad one, two 4r t�ree brainstorming ideas. <br />��aff put initials of ihe Councilmember w�o recommended each item next to �k�a� item or <br />brainstor�nz�g idea. In severai instances, two ar mare Co�znei��nembers recom�nencied at� <br />z�em. <br />The laiest Imagine Roseville 2025 docu�nen�ec� is dated October �2, 2007. <br />Council Action Rec�t�es�ed: <br />Furthex xef ne the list and provide staff with direciion on next steps to iake. <br />