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Docu�nent I <br />Police Civil Service Coz�assion <br />R4SEVILLE POLZCE CIV�L SERVICE COMM�SSION <br />RE: Re�ort on Ima�ine Roseville 2025 Goals and Strategies. <br />Gommissian Positinxz Statexnent: <br />Beca�se of the �ature and partieular direction give�a by law to the Roseville Police Civil <br />Service Commissia�, i� that, unlike ot�er commissions, at �s �ecessar�ly not znvolved 'zn <br />the operatinn ar �he buclgetir�g of the Police Department, it is difficult if not virtually <br />iznpossible for it to make officzal recam�n�ndations regarding the suggested goals and <br />strategi�s of �zr�agine Rosevi�le 2025 that iz�valve the Roseville Police Departzxaent. <br />The Commission is sensitive to and highly iavors any increase in police palicies, <br />programs and activities that will �ake Rasev�lle a better an� safer place in whzch to live, <br />but feel that it is the Department and the Iaw enforcement professior�als vcr�a can best <br />aseertain and detez�znine what and where to rnost effectively utilize t�e existing facilities, <br />�quipzx�ent, personnel and �unds. <br />Hor7vever, as residenis of Rosev�lle, each eammissianer may have and e�press �ersonal <br />opinions as to which items in the report should be fa�ored az�d ��at might and/or should <br />be priorities in scheduting. There�are eac� ca��zssioner may persnnally so ind'zcated <br />suck� itez�s to inciude with �he Camrr�ission repart. <br />`�'he Comtnission as a body sugges�s a�d re�znds those wha determine�g £or �he <br />Ci�y and �€zt�zz�e additzanal programs, that the �nost important azzc� �ecessary serviees a c�ty <br />can and rr�ust prnvzde fQr its re�ide�is are good infrast�ctu�e — water, sew�r and road <br />�maintenance, fiare and palice pra�ection. If in £act sc�me Roseville citiz�n's desired <br />progra�s iz�ter�'ere wit�a ar seriously jeopardize adequate �tuldiz�g for these critical <br />se�'vices, this Corntnission s�ggests atZd emphasizes that prop�r prioritization of t�iese <br />essential serviees shouid be ca�sidered firs�. <br />Raseville Police C�vi1 Service Cominission <br />Richard Houck, Chairman. <br />