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�'age 1 of 1 <br />Caro�yn Curti <br />From. Caral Sfetner <br />Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2�07 11:57 AM <br />To: Bi![ Malinen; Carplyn C�rti <br />Subject: FW: Palice Civii Service Commission and "Imagine Roseville 2025" bocument <br />Bill/Carolyr�; <br />More thoughis frnm anot�er palice civil service commissioner, reference "Irrtiagine Rnseville 2p25FF <br />documen�. <br />Ca rol <br />Fra�n: �rtj turinia anderson jmaifto.maryjean�QU7@rnsn.corr�] <br />Sent. Monday, A�g�st 13, 2007 5:28 PM <br />To: Carol Sletner <br />Cc: Dick Hauck; �inda Lange; �.inda Lange; R�ck Mathwic� <br />Subject; Police CiviE Service Commission artd ��Imagine Rc�sevilfe 2�25" t3oeurr�en� <br />This is to provide ya� with my thoughts ir� relation ta the abave document. Z belieue �ick Houck is <br />forwarding you a statement reflecting the Cnmmission's general re�ponse. The Commissian`s main <br />pt�rpns� is to advise ar�d act on certain palice personnei rrtatters. This function is set out in rat}�er �pecific <br />detail wi�hin state statufie and city code. Thus, Dick Hottck's statement will reflect our €�nderstanding �hat <br />the Comr�tission �as a limit�d rol� to advise on other, non-personn�f goals and priarities. However, <br />c�5 CJf5GUS5E'd �� �ii8 CQfill't115SIACt�S AilCjUS� 2, 2QA7 rneeting we agreed to �end yau any addi�ional <br />comments we might t�ave as indivicivals, concerninr�. the gaals described in the Imagine Roseville <br />doc�m�nt. <br />The doc�tment cot�tairts several goals worthy of fur�her explaratic�n and actior�. T noteci, in particuiar, <br />similari�ies in �wo goals described within the "Cc�mrr�urti�y,� and "Safe�y�� sections. Community, item <br />1.C.2a,b,& c and Safety, i�em 5.A.2g are both goals that acknowledge a need to keep pace with <br />Rosevifle's ci�anging demagraphics. While the Community language appears to specifically acEdress race <br />and e�hnicity, including cro�s-cultural cammunication, tF�e Safety goal is more general and appears to be <br />broader, likely including services 5ensi�ive to aging, disabiliky and ethnicity issues. <br />As a Roseville resident I s�rongly s€apport each of these gaals. To the extent that a s�ror�g and effec�ive <br />law enForcement workforce is one with capacity to cnmrnunicate clearEy, cope wel! with ambiguifiy antE be <br />ser�sitive to a public t�a� is increasing�y camprised of people who hav� disabiiities, are �Iderly, or are <br />nan--English speaking - I view these as high priority items. �n considering effective impler�entation, c9ose <br />collaboration ancf conrdinatinn across city departm�nrs will redute ciuplication of effort and imprave <br />quality. I sugges� thinking broadfy abou� ways to adefress changing derr�agrapl�ics. Alsa �o de�ine ti�e <br />word "diversity". "Diversity" trainir�g is jusi ane means and is tno often r�ot the most rneaningful, <br />d�pending on trainer, format and content. Finally, I r�comrrtend looking to the U.S. bepartments of <br />Justice a�d Fluman Services for assis��nce with improving eq�ity of aecess to public services. �ach <br />agency has a wealtt� of g�idance and resourc� infprmation availabis. <br />Thanks for the oppartunity ta corr�ment. <br />Mary J�an Turinia Anderson <br />65 i-489-1€373 <br />651-303-4870 <br />$/14/2007 <br />