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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />Approval: <br />REQUEST FOR CQUNCIL ACTION <br />Manager Reviewed: <br />� � <br />DATE:12/03/07 <br />ITEM NO.: 8.c . <br />Agenda �ection: <br />Conse�t <br />i 0 Item D�se�iption: Adopt a Resaluiion to Accept tk�e Work Cozxapleied, Authorizc Fina� <br />11 Payrnent of $5,185.72 and commez�ce �he One-Year Wa�aniy �'eriad on the 2Q06 Sanitary Sewer <br />12 Paroject. <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />I6 <br />�7 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />2� <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />Sackground: �n Sep�ember 11, 200b the Ciiy Council award�d t�Ze 2006 Sewer Main Lining; <br />��roject to Veit & Company, �nc., o£ ]�ogers, Minnesnta. The wark %r this contract was �'inished <br />�ast yearr and the confiractor has requ�sted �'xnal payrr�ent. This �xoject consisted o� 3588 lineal %et <br />of rr�ain lining in areas th.roug�put the City identifi�d as haviz�g root in�rusion or i��'ilt�a�ion <br />problems. <br />Polacy ob�ec#ives: City policy requixes that ihe following ifiems be co�pleted to fina[ize a <br />construction contract: <br />• Cer�ification fro� t�e City Engir�eer verifyin� that aIl of the work has �ee� carnpleted in <br />accord.ance wit1� plans and sp�cifications. <br />• A resoiution by tla� Ciiy Council accepting t�e contract azad beginning the a��-yeax warranty. <br />Finaneial implications: The fi�al contract amounr, $103,462.40 is $2,258.40 rnore than �he <br />awardecl arnount of $l 01,244. This represents an increase in ik�e contract of 2.2%. The eost <br />increase is the result of t�e actual lined length of sewer being 91 fee� longer thaan. t�e estamated <br />length of 3588 �t. The addi�ional cos� can be �.fu�ded thz�a�g� �he Sanitary Sewer Utili�y. <br />Staff recommenc�at�on: Since all necess�y iterns t�ave been cn�nplete� in accorda�ce with <br />project plans ar�d speeif catzans, staff recommends tha City Co�ncil appro�e a resol�tion <br />aecep�ing the wark coxnpleted as �he 2006 �ani�ary Sewe�r Liniz�g Project a�ad aut�orize final <br />payment of $5,185.72. <br />R�COMMENDED COUNCLL AC,TION: <br />Approve t1�e resalution accepting th� wor� coznpleted as 2006 Sanita�y Sewer Lining Projec�, <br />startin� ihe an�-year warranty and authorizing �nal pay�ent of$5,185.72. <br />Prepared hy: Debra B1QOZr� <br />