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�1`,� � �� � ,�+( <br />�,�.� J L .J <br />��� �:�.. �. <br />2 To: <br />3 <br />4 Fro�: <br />5 Date: <br />6 Tte: <br />Mayor ��d Couricil <br />Bzll Malinen, City Manager <br />Chris Miller, T'i�a�ce Directo �i� <br />December 3, 2007 <br />Addit�onal ��forma�ion an TIF Distric� #1 (Centre Pointe) Extensinr� <br />Date: 12/03/07 <br />Item: 1 � .a <br />T�F Di�i #� Exi <br />9 B�ckgxound <br />10 At �he Octc�ber 22, 2007, the Council esiabiished a�ublic hearing on Decemt�er 1'i, 2007 �For the <br />11 �uzposes of cansidering w�ether �o extenc� TIF Distric� #1 (Centre Pointe) �'or an addit�a�al twa <br />12 years. Sub�equen� �o this discussion, the Couzacil inc�uired about the allowable uses of the tax <br />13 incz'ez�ent �'rozan ihi� District. The foilowzng in��'armation should address the inquiry. <br />l� <br />15 TIF Distric� #�1 vvas created 'zn �982 ai a tir�c when there existec� far �reater discre�ion in t�e uses <br />16 oi TII' campaxed to today. �i�ce 1982, ihe Legislature l�a� nn numerous accasia�as placed <br />l7 �reater restric�ions an the uses of TIF. However, because zi was created prior ta these c�anges, <br />18 TIF District #1 is largely grandfai�ered in and �hexefore has retainec� most of its �lexibility in <br />l 9 uses. '�'he o�e notab�e exception is with respect to ti�e use o£ incre��ni for recreatiazzal facilities, <br />20 which w�s prohibited in's £o:r all districts regardless o�'vvhen tl�ey were created. <br />2� <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />3A� <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />4� <br />42 <br />Accp:rding to tl�e City's Banc� Counsel, Briggs and Mnrgaii, after arriending the T��' �'lan, <br />incre�ents received from TTF Dis�rict #1 in 2008 and 2009 car� be genez'ally us�d as £ollows: <br />� <br />■ <br />■ <br />■. <br />■ <br />■ <br />■ <br />Enviro�z�ental remec�zatzon <br />�nstallatia� of rnads, utiiities, sidewallcs, and pariciz�g faczlities <br />Property acquisition of properties con�aining siructurally substandard buildings or <br />hazardous substances/poll�ztants/eontarn.iz�ants; or �'or t�.e purpQS�s of a�se�bling a large <br />enougi� s�te for deve�opmen.t <br />I]eamoli�ion and rehabilitation of struc�ures <br />Housing assistance / interest reduction pragram for Iow and moderate income housing <br />�'arkin� struet�res <br />Aciministrative e�penses suc�Z as Iegal, fnancial analyses, etc. <br />Uses that are specifically �ral�ibited incl�tde: <br />0�acilities �s�d �'or �ocial, reczeational, or coz�fere�ee p�zrposes (exce�t �'or priva�elyw <br />owned facilities or parking structures) <br />❑ Co�n�nons area used as a publzc par�C or gat�er��:g place <br />❑ Buildings used p���narily �ar co�:duct�ng �he 6usin�s� Qf tl�e m�nicipality, i.e. City Hall, <br />I'ublic Safety building, or Publie Works building (parkirzg st�uct�re� are acceptable) <br />