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229 Building Permit Fees <br />230 Ciiy Code Sections; 307, 80�, 802, 901, 10�4 <br />231 <br />232 �uildin��ait Fee: <br />233 �'erzni� fee �o be based on jab cost valuation. The c�etermination af value or val�atzon shall be <br />234 rnade by the builcling officxal. The value to be use� zn coznputing th� buzlding pe�nit and <br />235 b�ilding plan review fees s�a11 be the total af al1 cons�ruc�ion work far whic� tlae �er�nit is <br />236 issued, as vvell as all �inish work, p�inting, raa�ing, electx�cal, plu�bing, l�eati�g, air <br />237 conditioning, elevatars, �re-extinguishing syster�s and a�y other perma�ent equipme�t. <br />238 <br />� � � � E �•i • i <br />$� - �soo ��a �30 <br />$30 �or the first $500 value, $30 for the first $S00 val�e, <br />$501 -$2,000 plus $3 far each additianal p�us $3 for eac� ac�ditzonal <br />$100 value or fraction tl�ereaf $100 value or fraciion thereof <br />$76.44 %r the first $2,004 $76.4�4 far the first $2,000 <br />$2,OQl -$25,OOQ val�ze, plus $15.34 fo�r each value, �ius $15.34 for each <br />additianal $1,OQQ value or additional $1,000 va�ue nr <br />fractia� ther�of fraction thereo�' <br />$�32.38 far the first $2S,O�Q $432.38 fo� the firsi $25,000 <br />$25,Q01 -$50,000 value, plus �11.18 for each val�e, plus $11.18 £or each <br />adc�itiona� $1,000 val�e oar addi�ional $I,000 value nr <br />�'raction the�eaf fi'raction thereof <br />$709.Sa �or t�e first $50,000 $7Q9.80 for the first $50,000 <br />$SQ,001 -$100.000 value, plus $7.80 far �ach vaiue, plus $"1.80 £or each <br />additional $1,OQQ value ar additional $1,000 value or <br />fractipn thereof fraction thereo�' <br />$1,095.G4 fpr the first $1,095.64 fox the first <br />$100,Q01 - $500,000 $100,000 value, plus $6.24 for $1Q0,00� value, plus $6.24 �or <br />each additioz�al $1,0�0 val�e each additional $1,000 val�e <br />or fractiaz� thexeo� or fraction t�ereof <br />$3,564.86 fox the first $3,564.86 �or fihe first <br />$500,4001 -�1,OOO,C]00 $500,000 value, plus $5.20 a�ar $50t?,�DO value, pius $5.20 fax <br />each $1,000 value each additional $1,0�0 va1�e <br />or fraction t�ereof ar fraction ihereaf <br />$30 %r the �irst $�,OQQ,000 $30 for the first $1,OOO,Q00 <br />In excess of $�,Q00,000 va�ue, plus $4.16 for each value, pl�zs $4�.16 �ar eac� <br />additional $1,OQQ value or addatior�al $1,004 vaIue ar <br />fraction thereoi fractiar� thereof <br />�nspec�iar�s outside of <br />� busaness hours $57.00 $58.7� <br />Tte-inspect�on fees (as <br />s�e���i�d under State <br />8upidgn �ode $57A0 $58.70 <br />M�sc. ins ectiion fees $57.OQ �58.70 <br />Add'� lan rev�e�v fee <br />