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29l <br />292 <br />293 <br />294 <br />295 <br />296 <br />297 <br />298 <br />299 <br />300 <br />301 <br />302 <br />3�3 <br />304 <br />305 <br />306 <br />3�7 <br />3Q8 <br />309 <br />310 <br />311 <br />312 <br />313 <br />314 <br />The plan review fees speci�ed are separate fees froz� the permit fees specified and are in <br />ac�ditian to the perm�t fees. <br />VJhen submit�al documents are ineQrr��lete or changed so as tn require additinnal plazi re�view or <br />when �he proj�ct involves deferred s�bnraittal items a�a add�tianal pla�n revievv fee shali be charged <br />at the abave rate. <br />Expiratinn of �ian review. Applieations far �v�ieh no perrnit is issued wit�ZZ� 18Q days following <br />the date a� application sha11 e�pire by limitation, and plans and o�her data submitted for re�iew <br />rt�ay thereafter be returned to �he a�plicant or destroyed by the buildiz�g af�'icial. T�� building <br />of%cia� may extend th.e tiz�e for action Y�y the app�ic�nt for a period not �xceedir�g 180 days on <br />request by the applicant showing that circums#ances beyond the control of the applicant �ave <br />preventet� ac�ian frorn being taken. No appiication sha11 be ex�ended more than ance. In order ia <br />renew ac�ion on an application after expiratinn, the app��cant shall resubrr�at plaz�s and pay a new <br />plari review �ee. <br />Refund Fee: <br />The building a��ieiat may autharize refiunding of any fee pai� here�z�d�r �vh�c� was erroneo�sly <br /> or cnllected. <br />The building officiai may authorize refunding af nat mare than SO percent o�'�e pez�rzi�t #'ee paid <br />when no wnrk has been dona �nder a pez�it iss�xed in aceorda�ace with thi,s code. <br />3� S The building o££'iciai �nay aut;horize ref�urading of not zno�e than 80 pe�cent of t�e p�an revzew %e <br />316 paid w�en an applicatiozz for a perrnit �'or whicl� a p1az� review fee has paid is r.vithdrawn or <br />317 canceled �efore a�ay plan reviewing is done. <br />318 <br />319 <br />320 <br />32i <br />322 <br />323 <br />324 <br />325 <br />32b <br />327 <br />328 <br />The building t�f�'icial shall not a�thorzze rafund'zng of any fee paid except on wriiten appIication <br />filed by the original permittee nat later �han 180 days aft�r the date of fee paym�n�. <br />Sewer Connection Perrrtit F�e: <br />Si�n Permit Fee: <br />U�ilize building permit %e scheclule. Nn pIan review fee <br />Minim�tm �'ee <br />$ 44.QQ <br />$ 4�,00 <br />