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375 E. Maximum fee on an apartrnent building shall nfl� exceed $'70.00 pe�r dwelling <br />376 unit. A twa-unit dw�;Iling (duple�) maximum fee per unit as per single-�amily <br />377 dwelli�g. <br />378 <br />379 F. <br />380 <br />38� <br />382 G. <br />383 <br />38� <br />385 <br />38b <br />387 <br />388 H. <br />389 <br />390 <br />391 <br />392 <br />393 I. <br />394 <br />395 <br />396 <br />397 J. <br />398 <br />399 <br />400 <br />441 <br />402 I�. <br />403 <br />404 <br />4�5 <br />4�6 L. <br />407 <br />408 <br />409 <br />T�e maximuzn nu�ber o�' � to 30 ampera circuits �n be paid nn a��y one athletic <br />field lighting standard is t�n. <br />In addition �o the above fees: <br />1} A charge af $4.00 will be made for �ach street lighiing standard. <br />2) A charge of $7.00 will be made for each traffic signai standard. Circuzts <br />nrigir�ating wiihin the sta�dard wili �ot be used when comp�ting fees. <br />In addi�ion to the al�ove fees, all tra�s�'azzners and generator� for light, heat and <br />�aower shall be comp�t�d separately at $8.QQ plus $.40 per KVA up to and <br />including 100 KVA. 101 �VA and over at $.30 per KVA. The maxinrau� �ee <br />far any transfor�er ar generator in this aatcgory is $50.00. <br />In addition to tha abave fees, all transformers for signs and o�tline lighting <br />shall be cnrnputed at $7.00 £or the first 500 VA ar fractinn thereaf per �it, <br />plus $.70 %r each ar�d�tianal 1 �0 VA ar frac�ion thereof <br />In addztion to the above fees, unless included in t�e z�aximum fee fled by the <br />initial installer, remote control, signal circuits and circuits of less than 50 valts <br />s�all be computed at $10.00 per each ten a�enings or devices of each system <br />plus $S.OQ for each add'ztional ten or fraetion thereof. <br />�n additian to the above fees, the inspection fee fo� eac� separate inspec�ion of <br />a swiz�z�:►ing pool shall be cornp�ted at $35.00. Reznfarci�ng steel for <br />swzmanrzing pools requires a rough-in inspectian. <br />�'or the revier� of plans and s�ecifications o� pro�asec� instaliations, there shall <br />be a minimum fe� of $150.00 up fio az�d i�cluding $3Q,000 of cleetrical <br />esti�ate, plus 1/�0 of 1% an any amouni; i�. excess o£ $3a,��0 to h� paid by <br />permit applican�. <br />4� 10 <br />411 M. When re-inspeetion �s neees�ary to deter�nine �vhetl�er unsafe can�.itions have <br />4� 2 been corrected and such conditions are not subj ect �o an. appeal pending before <br />413 any Court, a re-iz�spection fee of $35.00 may be asses�ed in writin� by the <br />414 Tns�ector. <br />415 <br />41 b N. For inspectzons not eavered herein, ar for req�esied special inspections or <br />417 services, t�e fee shall be $35.04 per man hour, iracluding ixavei time, pius $.25 <br />41$ per mile traveled, plus the reasonable cnst of equipm.�nt or �aier�al consumed. <br />�-19 This section is alsa app�icable to inspectinn ofernp�y conduits a�ad sueh jabs as <br />420 deter�nined b� the Ciiy. <br />