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3 <br />4 <br />S <br />6 <br />7 <br />S <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />��►S��LE <br />Request �or Councii Action <br />Date: Decemioet� 3, 200"1 <br />Iten� N�r�ab�are 11.h <br />�lepartnae�i App�-oval Manager A��raval Agenda Section <br />�tem Description: <br />Co�a�ider a Comrnunity S�rvey tn Gaage P�u�iiic Opinion n�n City Serviees <br />Back�ro�d: <br />I 5 The City Council and staff gai�er infoz�a�ion and %edback in a variety of ways �o �elp th�m <br />l G make decisions about pragrarr�s, sezvices and lang-te� planni�g to znee� caz��nnunity neec�s. <br />17 These inelude general %edback, ca11 Iags, commissions and tas�C farces, caz��u�azty meetings, <br />Z 8 newsletters, website, ma�lings and Cotu�cil meetings, among ot��r toals. <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />3X <br />32 <br />The infortnation tools provide valuable insight, but eac�i �ool has limita�ions, and over tizx�e the�r <br />effectiveness and relevaz�ce can �e diminished. To continue realizing the value oi citizen input <br />achieved in prior years, new measures to gauge �he �ublic's z�zte�rests �ust be �sed. <br />Sta��'have deterzr�ined that a void exists with the Cit�'s ai�ility ta rneasure a collective and <br />z-epresez�tative opiniorz on the t�es of services that are in dernand, as vvell as the public's <br />willing,�e�� ta pay �'or t�iose servzces. Also lacking is �e ability ta gauge the public's interest in <br />r�evv ventures or opportunities. <br />Ba�ed upon this evaluatzon, �taf�has co�cluded that a caz�aznunity s�vey wzll best meet �he void <br />that exists. They fi�ier recnrnrnend contracting with Natioz�al Citiz��a Survey to coz�duct tk�e <br />survey. <br />33 A s�rvey allows a Ciry to measure service performanc�, �ench�mark quality, assess eoz�z�ua�ity <br />34 needs, make short- and iong-range strategic plar�s, evaluate cornn�unity characteristics and <br />35 pro�ide esse��tial information about the community. <br />3fi <br />37 A stu vey helps a City to identify w�.er� sezvice i�x�pz-ov�z�ae�ts are nee�ed az�d it can help poliey <br />38 makers to allocate scarce resnurc�s in the most responsive mai7ner. <br />39 <br />40 In March 2007, the Itnagine Rnseville 2025 Steering Cornmittee rt�ade a presenta�ion. ta the City <br />41 Council. One o�their main points mad� during their ��al presentatian to the Council vt+'as tha� the <br />42 City should conduct a s�'vey to better understand the wanfs and needs of t�e communi�y. <br />43 <br />44 � 20Q5 City siaf��revzewed pra�osals from several suxve� companies. Sta���ecommended thai if <br />45 t�a� City did canduct a su�-vey, the National Citizen Survey (NCS) wou�d best rneei tl�e City's <br />