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32 overlay zoning wi�hin the c�eiinitian sectian; the adc�ition of the Single-Family Residentiai <br />33 OvearIay Distarict (SFR4D) znto t�.� �se table in Section 1004.016; mal�ing referenc� to the <br />34 �FR�D section as part af the table in Seetion 1004.015; changing the phrase "parcel line" <br />35 ta "lc�t lzne" ir� the afareme�tianed tal��es. The Camzaa�issio� continued the public heariz�g <br />36 rzntil its Novem�er me�ting. (Se� At�aehment C�o review meeti�g minutes frorn this <br />37 meeting.) <br />38 2.6 On Noverr�ber 7; 2007, #he Planning Commission cantinued the publzc �Zea�ing an the <br />39 proposed amendments to the City's Zoning and Subdivision Code. One member oithe <br />40 public made comment on t1�e proposed amendm�nts, and specif cally spoke to those <br />41 within ihe preamhie of the zonin� code. He wanted to ensure that tl�e proposed changes <br />42 truly reflect�d t�ose reco��e�dec� by t1�e Sxng�e-�'a�r�i�y Residential Lot Split Advisa€y <br />43 Group and sugges� �hat �he word "morals" be s�ruck iro�n the preamble. During the <br />44 meeting, PIanr�ing Cornmission Mernbers deter�r�ined that �he language that �as �repared <br />45 by Sta££ �atch tl�at recoz�a�ra:erided by t�e Advzsoary Group a�.d decided not to change <br />46 the recommended prea�ble. (See Attachment I7 to review meeting minuies from this <br />47 meefing.) <br />4$ TY�e P�ara_zaing Co�nrnission ,supported the ame�dmen�s to bo�h Tit�e 10 and Title 11 of the <br />49 City Cade wit�Z the co�d�tzon that �anguage be clarified as di,sc�ssed ciuri�zg t�.e z�aeeti�g. <br />50 (This revised language is reflec�ed in �he draft ordinance and includes re�zsion of "paxcel <br />51 line" to "lot line" in �ections 1004�.015 and 1004.016 and �he addition of at�nual revie�r o�' <br />52 the Zoning Map in Section I009.04.) <br />53 2.'� Dn November 26, 20�7, �he Czty Cpunezi discussed t�e atnendz�ents to the za�i�g an�. <br />54 s�bdivision codes. Discussion focused on revisians to �he zoning code and whether or not <br />SS t�ae new overla� zoning district for single-farnily homes would es�ablish new development <br />5�i rights for singie-fami�y horr�es that az�e nat pravided £or in t�e ez�isting code. Sta�'� <br />5'1 explained �hat the rights establisl�ed in tl�e overlay district were al�eady gran�ed in the <br />58 existing code. The City Attorney supported Yhis intexpretatian a�the code and the <br />S9 pro�osed amendment. <br />60 3.0 <br />61 3.1 <br />62 <br />63 3.2 <br />64 <br />65 4.0 <br />66 4.1 <br />67 <br />STAFF RECOMM�NDATI4N <br />The Planning DivisiQn r�cammends that th� Ci�y Council appxove an oxdianee <br />(Attach�ent A) that amends the zoning and subdivision code as described above. <br />Approve �he summary of amendmenis �o the zoning a�d s��division code {Attacl�ment E) <br />that will serve as tl�e o��cia.11y publis�ed natice far t�e ac€opted Code a�endmen�s. <br />SUG�E�TED COUNCI�.. ACTION <br />By ordinance, adopt �he arzae�d�eni:s to the City's Zoning Code (Title 10) and <br />Sul�divisipn Code (Title 11). <br />Zoning and S�bdi�ision Code A�nend�ents (I'ro�-�441) Page 2 of 3 <br />