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6s � � �� o�7e�3: su�D���s�o�vr�LAT�r��� P�av�s�o�S: <br />652 A. La,nd Suiiability: Each �pt cxeated thxough subdivision, includi�g planned unit developmen�s <br />653 � authorized under Chap�:�r 1008 of this Tit�e anc�. Sectio� �-9-�-�1Q17.24 a£tkis Cl�apter, shall <br />b54 l�e suitabie far �he proposed �se as defin�d �y the suitability analysis. S�itability analysis <br />655 s�all co�sider susceptibilzty to floading, exzstence o� wetla�tds, soil and rack for�nations with <br />656 severe �irnitations for develop�rzent, severe eraszan �oteniial, sieep tapogra�hy, availability <br />657 o�City sewer and water, near-shore aquatac condi�ions uns�.itab�e for watear-based recreation, <br />658 irn�ortan� f sh and wildlife habi�at, �resence of si�ni�"icant histaric sites, or any other feature <br />6S9 a£tk�e �aturalland likely to be harrnful to ihe heali;h, safety, or welfare of fut€�re reside�zts of <br />660 i�e p�roposed subdivisia� ar o�the eommunitY- <br />661 B. Co�sisxency With Other Conirols: Subdivisions shail confo�n to all officia� eontrais of ihzs <br />C6� cazxamuaaity. A subdivision sl�all not be approved wh�re a iat�r variance fram one or rnore <br />663 stan.cia.rds in officza� cor�t�a�s would be needed tQ use the lots �or their iz�tended �urpose. <br />664 Each lot shall meet the mi�inr�ur�a lot size azzd diz�ensia�al req�iret�ae�#s o£ S�c�ions <br />665 � -�-9-�-� 1017.14 t�rnugh �-9� � 0 T 7.1 &. <br />CG6 ���4�'ie24e PI.ANNEl) UNiT DEV�LOPM�N'I` REQUIR]EMENTSa <br />667 G. Maintenance and Adz�in�stration Requirements: Be�are final apprqval of a planned unit <br />668 developmcn�t, adequaie paravisians shal� be develape� �pr p�ese�rvatipn a�d z�aintenance in <br />669 perpetuity of open spaces and for thc cantinued �xistencc and funetianing of the <br />670 de�eloprnent. <br />67T 5. Centralizatzon and Design of �'acilitzes: Ceni�alizataon �d deszgn a£ �aci�zties ane� <br />b72 structures shall be dane according to the followizzg standards: <br />b'�3 b. Dwelling unit� or builc�in� sites shall be clustered into one or more graups and lacated <br />674 on suitable areas oitl�e �ite. They ��all be designed and lacated to meet or exceed the <br />675 fo1lQw�ng dirzzez�sional sta�dard far the relevant shoreIar�d classif ca�ion: setback from the <br />676 ordinary high water level, elevation above tl�e surface water features, and �naximum <br />677 heig�t. Setbacks frqrr� the ordinary high water level shall b� in accordance wiih <br />678 � subsection �8�§ � 0� 7. k 4B 1 0£ this Chapter for developments with density increases; <br />679 f. Waterworient�d accessary stzuctures and �acz�ities ;may be al�owed i£they meet or <br />680 � e�ceed desigr� standards contained in S�ctio� �•�l�•f�10� 7.15 of t�zs Chapter and a�re <br />681 centralized. (Ord. 115b, �2-12-94) <br />682 ��10�7.25: GRA�DING, FII�LING AND LAND ALTERATION: <br />b83 B. Applicatio�s �'or �'ezzx��ts, Additianal Information: A�l applicatzans for per�nits for grading <br />b8� and fil�ing activities or land disturbar�ces within the overlay district resulting in �nore tha� <br />685 � 0,000 square �eet a� expased soil shall be accompani�d by plans, specificaiions, and <br />686 � completio� schedules iz� cpn£ozznance wi�h Chapte�r �� 0� 8: Erosion and Sedimenta�ion <br />687 Contral �rdinance. (4rd. 1342, 11-�3-2406) <br />688 C. B�zilding Pe�its, Special Pravisions: Ali building �er�nits invalvin� any excavation, �ll or <br />689 grading shall contain s�eeial provisions that speCify; <br />690 1. That ihe permittee is responsible For the cleanup a�d a�y daarzaages resultiz�g from sail <br />691 eroded frorrt the building site onto public stre�is, into the sto�n sewer system a�d onto any <br />692 � adjoining pri�ate praperty as required in Chapter -���101$: Erosion and 5edimentation <br />693 Contral C?xdinance; and <br />694 {Ord. 1342, 11-13-2006) <br />695 2. Thai the permitt�e slaall i�asta�l a�ad zz�aaintazn erosian cantrol as ar�quired ir� C�apter <br />25 <br />