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734 conservation practices and planning activities that rnininaize soil erosion and sedi�entatio�. Tf <br />735 I this Seetinn (-�-8-�--'�] O1$) irnposes a requireme�t dz��ezent froa�a atl�ex sectian� o£the city code, the <br />735 more restrictive sectio� s�a�l apply. <br />7JI � �'VRTYV��eO�a ��RJ�.�.Ji <br />738 Excep� as exeznpted by the tie�inition of the term "land t�isturbance aetivity" in Sectian <br />739 ��� 018.03, any person, state a�ency, or �nlitical subc�ivisinn thereof proposi�� lan.d <br />740 dis�urbance activity wzthin the Czty shall app�y to r�Ze Czty foz� tk�e a�apxaval oith� eros�on and <br />741 sediment coz�troX �alan. No la�d shall be dzstuxbed until t�e plan is approved by the City and <br />742 confor�s �:o the standards set forth in this article. <br />743 � �101�.03: DE�IN�TIOI�tS: <br />744 ERQS�O�] AND SED�MENT CONTR4Z PLAN means a docume�t con�azz�ing �.he requzrements <br />745 � of Section �1018.Q4 that, when iznpi�rnented, will prevent or zniniznize sail e�osian on a <br />746 paxcel af iand and of� �ite sedi�ent da�ages. <br />747 (�101�.04: �T[�RIVI WATER NIANUAL: EROSION AND SEDIMENT <br />7�8 CONTROL PLAN: <br />749 <br />'750 <br />751 <br />752 <br />7S3 <br />7S4 <br />�101�.05: REV�W OF PLA�: <br />��10�.�.4d: ]Ml'LEMENTATTC)N AND NIA�NTENANCE qF PLANe <br />�8�1018.07: M4DIFTCATIO�T OF PL�N: <br />A�a approved erosioz� and sediment conirol plan anraay �e modified on submission o� an application <br />£o� madi�catia� to th� Crty and s�bseque�zt approval by the City Engineex. ran reviewir�g suc� <br />application, the City Engineer may require addi�ional reports at�d data. <br />'i55 � �8-���018e08: ESCTZOVV REQU�REMENT: <br />756 After appraval o� axa �rosian at�d sediment co�iroX plan, the Ci�y shall requir� t�e Permittee tn <br />757 escrovv a s�,zn of mon�y sufficien�: to ensure the installation, comp�etipz�, and maintenat�ce o£t�� <br />75$ eros�on and sediment control p1at� and p�actices. Escrow amounts sl�all be sei �rom tizne to time <br />'759 by �he City Cauncil. Upon project e4rn�letia�, the re�naining escrow shall b� returned to the <br />750 �'err�iitt�e. <br />761 I�-9�'�1 U1S.09: ERQSION AND S�DTMENT CONTROL PERM�T <br />762 ENFORCEMEN'�e <br />763 D. Fail�re tn Do Cornrective Woxk. When a Pe:rz�azttee �'ails to corifQrm to any provision of t�Zis <br />764 policy withirz the tizara.e stipulated, �he C�ty ma� take the �'ollowing actiorns: <br />76S �. AXl cpsts ir�eurred by il�e City in eorreciing erosion atad sedimernt contra� deficiencies sh�ll <br />766 be reimbursed by the Per�ittee. I��aymenti is no� nnade wi�hin thirty {30) days after costs <br />767 are incu�ed by th� City, payment wili be made �'rflm the Per:mi�t�e'� £��ancial seeur�izes, as <br />7&S ( described in Sectzo��1018.08 a�this Ordir�ance. <br />769 5. If there is an insuificien� financial amount in the PerzYZittee"s finas�cial securities as <br />7'70 � described i� Section �� Q 18.08 of t�is �rr�inanee to cover t�e costs iz�curred by t�e Czty <br />771 then the Ci�.y may assess the remaining amoun� agait�st the prc�pe�y. As a condition of the <br />( 2'7 <br />