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City Council Meeting Packets
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Last modified
1/10/2012 9:54:09 AM
Creation date
8/26/2009 3:19:27 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Commission /Committee /Task Force: <br />(Be im speck as possible - FF;q additional sheet if necessary) <br />I am a 30+ year Roseville resident who has raised her family here and knows the <br />community well. I believe my desire to serve and my background will enable me to <br />make a positive contribution to the community through service on the Planning <br />Commission. Running for Roseville city council in 2006 provided me with a great <br />opportunity to speak directly with residents from all part of Roseville, and my relatively <br />strong showing at the polls buoys my desire to serve. My specific background and <br />training make service on the Planning Commission particularly apt. 1 can bring my <br />knowledge of land use, administrative, and environmental law to bear, as well my <br />understanding of public finance and taxation. Our community stands at somewhat of a <br />figurative crossroads (as do many first -ring suburbs) and those of us who have reaped <br />thebenefits of the good life provided in our community, if possible, should volunteer to <br />work toward preservation of that good life, tailored to ! 21 st century needs, for future <br />generations. <br />What is vour view of the role of this Com mission /Commi.tteefTask Force? <br />The Planning Commission is responsible for bringing Roseville's vision (as articulated <br />by the City Council and its Comprehensive Plan) to bear on the various land use and <br />development decisions that fall within the Planning Commission jurisdiction. In <br />iffs- <br />role the Planning Commission is faithful to the received vision. Given the vagaries of <br />the decisions that come before the Planning Commission, however, blind reiteration of <br />the vision is insufficient and not possible. The members must bring to bear their <br />knowledge of the community, their common sense and their sense of public duty to the <br />decisions that come before the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission also <br />has the affirmative duty to bring forward to the City Council issues which the Planning <br />Commission believes that should receive more or sooner attention ffo—m the City <br />Council and/or city staff. In this role the Planning Commission is a participant in the <br />on -going development of �e vision which it, in turn, must apply to the specific <br />decisions that come before it. Planning Corranission service typically is dominated by <br />the press of decision - making on the applications that are placed before it. However, the <br />importance of the Planning Commission, the handmaiden of the city council, in the on- <br />going development of the vision should not be overlooked. <br />
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