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�.? CHOICE OF REMEDY <br />If, as a result of the EMPLOYER response in Step 4, the grievance remains unresolved, <br />and if the grievance involves the suspension, demotion, or discharge of an employee who <br />has completed the required probationary period, the grievance may be appealed either to <br />Step 5 of ARTICLE VI or a procedure such as: Civil Service, Veteran's Preference, or <br />Fair Employment. If appealed to any procedure other than Step 5 of ARTICLE VI the <br />grievance is not subject to the arbitration procedure as provided in Step 4 of ARTICLE <br />VI. The aggrieved employee shall indicate in writing which procedure is to be utilized — <br />Step 5 of ARTICLE VI or another appeal procedure — and shall sign a statement to the <br />effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee from <br />malting a subsequent appeal through Step 5 of ARTICLE VI. <br />ARTICLE VII DEFINITIONS <br />�,�. UNION: The International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 49, AFL-CIO <br />'�.? EMPLOYER: The City of Ros�ville. <br />r.:: UNION MEMBER: A member of the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local <br />No. 49, AFL-CIO. <br />�.�� EMPLOYEE: A member of the exclusively recognized bargaining unit. <br />� i BASE PAY RATE: The employee's hourly pay rate exclusive of longevity or any other <br />special allowance. <br />�.t� SENIORITY: Length of continuous service in any of the job classifications covered by <br />ARTICLE TT—RECOGNITION. Employees who are promoted from a job classification <br />covered by this AGREEMENT and return to a j ob classification covered by this <br />AGREEMENT shall have their seniority calculated on their length of service under this <br />AGREEMENT f��r purposes of promotion, transfer and lay off and total length of service <br />with the EMPLOYER for other benefits under this AGREEMENT. <br />?� SEVERANCE PAY: Payment made to an employee upon honorable termination of <br />employment. <br />i#� OVERTIME: Work performed at the express authorization of the EMPLOYER in excess <br />of either eight (8) hours within a twenty-four (24) hour period (except for shift changes) <br />or more than forty (40) hours within a seven (7) day period. <br />�.5� CALL BACK: Return of an employee to a specified work sit� to perform assigned duties <br />at the express authorization of the EMPLOYER at a time other than an assigned shift. <br />An extension of or early report to an assigned shift is not a call back. <br />