Laserfiche WebLink
2. The completed project budget form which is a Microsoft Excel file that can <br />downloaded from <br />3. Digital files (saved in a pdf format) for the maps, photos, and plan diagrams that are <br />part of the application's required attachments. <br />The paper submittal shall include five collated, stapled, or paper-clipped applications, each of <br />which fnciudes: <br />1. The completed applicationform. <br />2. The completed Excel budget form. <br />3. Required attachments. <br />r4dd��d ���1�r`ifi ��ti�ns <br />Any changes to this Request for Applications will be made by written addendum. No oral <br />modificationwill be binding. TLC changes to this Requestfor Applications can be found at <br /> It is the responsibility of the applicant to check the web site regularly for <br />any TLC changes to this Request for Applications. <br />Pre-Contractual Expenses <br />TLC shall not, in any event, be liable for any pre-contractual expenses incurred by the Applicant <br />in the preparation of the application. Applicants shall not include any such expenses as part of <br />the application. <br />Pre-contractual expenses are defined as expenses incurred by the applicant in: 1) preparing its <br />application in response to this Request for Applications; 2) submitting the application to TLC; 3) <br />negotiating with TLC or MnDOT on any matter related to this application; or 4) any other <br />expenses incurred by the Applicant prior to the date of execution of the proposed agreement. <br />E. Project Evaluation and Selection <br />All projects will be evaluated by the TLC staff and its agents. All projects will be selected by the <br />TLC Board of Directors. An advisory committee established by TLC (known as the Bike — Walk <br />Advisory Committee) will advise the TLC Board. TLC will use the selection criteria included in <br />Appendix D to score and rank project applications. <br />F. Rights of Transit for Livable Communities <br />TLC may require confirmation of informationfurnished by the applicant. TLC reserves the right <br />to: <br />� Reject a�� or all applications if such action is in the public interest; <br />� Cancel the entire Request for Applications; <br />* Issue a subsequent Request for Applications; <br />* Remedy technical errors i n the Request for Applications or Request for Applications <br />process; <br />* Require a site visit to proposed project location; <br />* Appoint evaluation committees to review applications; and <br />* Negotiate with any, all, or none of the applicants on project cost and scope. <br />March 13,200� NTP Request for Applications — Page 11 of 34 <br />