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Im�gine Roseville 2025 <br />Goals and Strategies <br />Page 12 <br />. � � <br />'� � r F r=� ��� <br />� ��������� <br />� ��,����t���tU�� <br />; ��al: F��s�vill� .h�� a.���n�rel�err�i��ti,����� ���i�i�r��� �r��l reli�t�l� <br />� tran�����i�� ��+st�m <br />� Strategy A: Provide a road system that rr���r�s people and goods safely and efficiently <br />�, <br />� <br />�� <br />I �� <br />�I I <br />1) Plan and budget to reduce congestion, travel time, costs, and pollution <br />2) Support planning and fi�i�dil7g for state, regional, and county transportation proj eets to ensure <br />capacity, improve operations, improve safety, and reduce spillover to the local system <br />3) Collect and maintain data o�� roadway deficiencies (safety, operations, capacity), and target <br />a�vestmellts accordingly, including the top 10 intersections where the greatest number of <br />accidents occur <br />1? 4) T�ZSral� better �i�n�ge to iinprove safety �a�' drivers, pcdcstrians, and bicyclists <br />� I:� Strategy B: Ensure a robust public transit system that is integral to the metropolitan system and <br />1 �� meets long-term needs <br />l� 1) Leverage public transit to improve access to jobs, school, retail, and other destinations within <br />] �� and outside of Roseville <br />�� �' 2) Support light rail transit and bus rapid transit in strategic and appropriate corridors <br />I� 3) Identify and support new transit options for people commuting through Roseville from <br />1 {� surrounding coir�nunities <br />?{� <br />�1 <br />�� <br />�� <br />i�F <br />�� <br />� �7 <br />4) Aggressively support transit-oriented development <br />5) Expand options for transit-dependent people <br />6) Promote alternatives to single-occupancy vehicles including ride share, dial-a-ride, park and <br />ride, car sharing, and others; work to keep Roseville as a Transit Hub with adequate park and <br />ride facilities <br />7) Provide transit connections among retail centers and with residential areas <br />8) Promote highway and fi-eeway redevelopment that incorporates transit options <br />�? Strategy C: Properly fund public transportation and transit systems <br />�13 Strategy D: Expand, maintain, and promote a system of continuous and connected pathways <br />�� that encourage walking and biking <br />�� <br />�I <br />�� <br />33 <br />�� <br />�� <br />3fi <br />3? <br />3� <br />1) Regularly update Pathway Master Plan to guide construction and prioritization, with <br />particular emphasis on collector and arterial roads <br />2) Require new public .�ittt private construction projects to include pathways <br />3) Provide safe crossings (overpasses, tunnels, etc.) across busy streets to l�eep areas connected <br />4) Provide safe routes to schools <br />5) Connect major retail and business areas with one another and with neighboring residential <br />areas; support enclosed wal�Cways/bikeways connecting n�ajar shopping areas such as the <br />Snelling/Highway 36 area <br />