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STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />I, Z�� undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Manager of the City of Roseville, <br />Minnesota, DO HE�ILEBY CERTIFY that I have compared tl�e attached and foregoing extract of <br />z��i��ites witl� the original thereof on �le in i��y office, and that the same is a full, true and <br />complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said City duly called and <br />held on thc date therein indicated, insofar as such minutes relate to a resolution giving <br />preliminary approval to a multi-family rental housing project and a financing program therefor. <br />WITNESS i��y hand as such official and the seal of the City this d�y �r ___ <br />2007. <br />Manager <br />(SEAL) <br />� <br />