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Camcast ViTebi���il - Email Message <br />From: "DICk Lee" <dlee@h-ym cam� <br />To: �city council@ci rosevil�e mn LI@� <br />Subject: Monday Meeting Regarding 5ki Jump <br />Date: Sunday, April 22 2007 9 47 57 PM <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />Thank you in advance for reading this - at Monday's council meeting, I plan to raise <br />objections to �I�e ski buoys and especially the ski jump. I have lived on Lake Owassa for <br />fourteen years. I'm on the lake fishing many early mornings and evenings, and my wife is out <br />on her pontoon boat frequently during the day. Neither one of us has ever seen the ski jump <br />used. Nor, for that matter, have our many, many friends and neighbors who live on the <br />Roseville side of the lake. The dilapidated jump is an eyesore, a navigation impediment on a <br />busy lake and an impediment to fishing one of the best cabbage weed pods in the lake. But <br />more importantly, the water skiing group on Lake Owasso is pulling out the jump year after <br />year to make sure that it's "grandfathered in," in case someone wants to use it in the future. <br />Placing a large, unused impediment on the lake is an unfair imposition on lake users as a <br />whole. <br />In response to these concerns, I wouldpropose that permission to place the skijump this <br />year be contingent on solid proof that it was used last year. <br />Further, and I respect that this topic may be "out of bounds" for tomorrow's meeting, I would <br />like to formally request that the City of Roseville assume direct responsibility for determining <br />what weed killing toxins get dumped into Lake Owasso. The "Lake Owasso Association" is, in <br />fact, the water skiing contingent. In keeping with its makeup, this "association" has <br />disseminated misinformation regarding the threat from weeds to the watershed—to the point <br />of ignoring and even contradicting DNR input. I believe that it would be appropriate and <br />responsible for the City Council to ask for DNR input directly, and to decide whether and how <br />to treat the lake based on mixed use parameters. The "association" would like to institute a <br />"scorched bottom" policy; however, that would destroy the fishing in the lake, which is already <br />compromised by the amount of chemicals dumped into it. <br />In response to these concerns, I would propose that the CityCouncil no longer allow a selt <br />interestedgroup to decide for all lake dwellers how defoliants are used—norto be awarded <br />the privilege of communicating and interpreting to al I concerned citizens the pros and cons <br />hit�, :r fma i L��i�[4'�Itt�SE,i�c�'��n�.?ti�r'+��7�'�4{aLC�r�.:��J(]�lU��' r �1.�J�1�]�J � I � ��.� I 3 S � � � �:��'i�L�.., ��?3r'? [��� <br />