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5/21/07 Council Agenda - Page 2 <br />d. Resolutzons � Adopt Resolutions for City FinanciaT <br />Policies <br />e. Premises Permit — Approve �he Renewal of the �,awful <br />Gambling Premises Permit for the Lady Slipper Chapter <br />of American Business Women's Association <br />f Ordinanee — Adopt an Ordinanee Amending the Ci�y Code <br />relating to Fe�ilizer and Pesticide Use <br />g. �nterim Use Permit — Approve an Interim Use Permii fo� <br />State Fair Parking at Calvary Bapti�t Church and Nar�h <br />Como Presbyterian Church <br />h. Ordinanc� —Adopt an Ordinance Modifying the Ci�y Code <br />relating to Raseville 5ign Regu�ation <br />$. Consider Iteans Removed fr�m Consen� <br />9e Pub�ic Hearings <br />6:5Q p.m. a. Public Hea�ing — Conduct a Public Hearing �o� ihe <br />Purpose of Tssuing Tax-Exemp� Bonds for Centennial <br />Garden East Apartments (ihis item wi11 b� continu�d to <br />fil � � 107} <br />7:00 p.m. <br />7:15 p.m. <br />7:25 p.m, <br />�.0, �ther Business �tems <br />a. Presentation oi Audi� & Financial Statements — Aceep� the <br />20Q6 Audit and �"inancial Statements <br />b. Considear Fozmal Designation of City Couneil Audit <br />Committ�e <br />c, Cont�ae� Propasal — Au�horize Staff �o Contract with <br />Bones�oo for an Infi�taration and Inflow Study <br />7:40 p.m. d. Agreement — Consider an Agreement with Geo-Xergy �'ar <br />$14,30� to Conduct a Feasibility Study of Energy Sourees <br />�or the Skatzng Center <br />5:00 p.m. e. Request Direction - Request Direction on the Pracess for <br />Public Input and Formal Acceptance of the Szngle-Family <br />Residen�ial Lot Split S�udy Repoar� <br />8:20 p.m. f. Contract — Consider a R�vised Contract :�or Alternative <br />Urban Area-wide Review (AUAR} <br />