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I <br />2 <br />� <br />5 <br />� <br />8 <br />1 t3 <br />l� <br />12 <br />13 <br />l4 <br />15 <br />16 <br />i� <br />�s <br />19 <br />2Q <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />2G <br />2'7 <br />zs <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 ° <br />35 <br />36 <br />�7 <br />3$ <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />4S <br />�6 <br />47 <br />48 <br />49 <br />SO <br />REQUEST FOR COUNC�L ACT�ON <br />�ate: 6/ I8/t�i <br />Iie�ra �Tc�: 7.d <br />Agea�da Section: <br />CONSENT <br />I�em De"sca�iption: Request for Approv'ai' of Bur�n Perrar�s to condr�ct comtrolled bur�ns <br />At Midland Hills Countr Clu� and at 1894 Ai#a Vista Drive. <br />l.Q <br />1.1 <br />2.0 <br />2.i <br />2.2 <br />3.0 <br />Requested Action <br />�rairie Restorations, Inc. is rec�uesting Ciiy Co�ncil ap�roval of a buz� perra�zt to buz�zx twa <br />proposed native prairie sites. <br />Baek�round <br />Prairie Restaratians I�nc. is requesting a burn pez�mit to burn �he existing vege�ation on two <br />sites in preparation £pr pxairie vegetation seeding. <br />Prairie R�storatinna, Inc. proposes to have three trained and exp�rienced personnel on site to <br />conduct the burns. <br />Staff Recommend�ti€�n� <br />3.1 It is t�e recoammendation ofthe staff tha� t%e City Co�rncil authprize the Fi�e Marshal to issue <br />bur�a p�z�its ta Prairie Restorations, Inc. to conduct the t�urns at N�idla�d Hills Cauntry <br />Club and at 1894 Alta Vista Drive for the purpose of establ�sl�ing prairie grass and wzld <br />flawers on the sztes. Th� permit would be for tihe period o£ June 30, 20�7 through �uly 30, <br />2007. <br />5.0 Suggested City Cnuncil Actio� <br />5.1 By znotian, authorize the Fire Mars�a� to issue a burzi perrnit to Prrairie Restorations, Inc. to <br />burn t�e existing vcgetatio� and grasses located at Midland Halis Country C�ub and a� 1894 <br />Al#a Vista Drive candition�d upo� compliance wit� the fallowi�g stipulations: <br />a) The effeetive date of the permit shall b� from Ju�e 30 througk� 7uly 34, 2007; <br />b) The bu� sl�all be canducted by acicnowledged experts ; and, <br />c) The permrttee shall notiiy the Nei�h�ors directly adj ace�t to t�e pro�eriy and t�e <br />Roseville F�xe Department at �n Iess than #wo days prior to the date af tI�e bur�.. <br />d) Applicant apply for and receive a variance from DNR or burn restrictions be <br />lifted iires�rietions are agai� �nstituted. <br />��closure; letter from app�icant <br />Prepared by 3ahn �.aftus, Fire Marshal <br />