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S�aff A��roval: <br />�� <br />REQUEST FOR C4UNCTL ACTION <br />Date: OS/1812D47 <br />Itenrn No° �•� <br />: W Age�da Section: <br />� Consent <br />Itern Descri�i�nn: Metrn�oli�an Connci�'l�ivabie Cpna�nau�it��s Dema�straiion Account <br />App�icai�nn for imp�-oveznents ta Har Mar Apart�ae�ts ai 2225 <br />Snelling Avenne in Roseville -- Ceutral Cfla�t�munity I-�ousing Trust <br />PROJ-DOOG <br />1 1,0 <br />Z <br />3 l.l <br />4 <br />S <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 2.0 <br />9 <br />Reqnested ActiQn <br />The Ceniz-a� Ca�munity Ha�sing Trust (CCHT) is req�estrng t�at the City Counci� <br />identify, by resolutinn, the need %r f�nding through the Metropolitan Cou�ncil Zivab�e <br />Communities Demonstration Acco�nt (LCDA} and a�thorize an appiicat�ar� �'ax these <br />funds. <br />Backgro�nd <br />10 2.1 CCHT is a lead'zng Tr�vin Cities non pro�t hauszng deve�oper and owz�er af ai%rdable <br />l l ho�sing. Since 1986, CCHT has �uilt and renovated nearly 1,300 housing �.uazts. CCHT <br />12 st�ves ta provide higkz-qua�ity, penp�e-orientea design to he�p stab��ize lives and. trarzs�nrm <br />13 cornmuni�ies. CCHT am.acie a presenta�ion on Marc� 20, 2006 ta i�traduce the City Counci� to <br />14 the renovation projeci at the HaxMax Apartments. <br />X5 <br />16 2.2 The Haz' Mar Apar�aents are ir� r�eed of major renovatian at�d repair. The 40--year old <br />17 e€�mpiex expe�zenced deferred �aintenance avez t�e years. This property serves a great need <br />1 S for affardab�e apariment livir�g in the comrnunity. <br />19 <br />20 2.3 In May 2QQG, CCHT purchased the 120-unit Har Mar Apartments. They are prepari�g <br />21 plans to renovate t�e �xisting units and create 3Q addi�ional units, which will result in a <br />22 toial of appro�irnately 150 tnixed--incarne apartments. <br />23 <br />24 2.4 CCHT is sh�ving io keep t�e units afforc��ble—a key compone�t of its corporate rnission. <br />25 To achieve this, public assistance wil� be ne�ded and iunds from MHFA, Metropolitan <br />2G Council, and other public agencies axe cr�tica�. <br />Z'7 <br />28 2.5 Tn its pre-application to the LCDA, wl�ich is attached to fihis report, CCHT rec�uested <br />29 $305,000 in funding to uind�rtake an-szte improvements, zneluding reznaval and <br />3Q demalztion of deteriora�ing infrastructur� and designing and eo�struc�ing on-site <br />31 storrnwatex manage�rae�t systems. <br />32 <br />33 2.6 As part of �he grani su�rr�ission, the Meirn�olitan Council requires the applica�zt, by <br />34 resolution, to identify a need for LCDA funds and autharize an application �'or f�xnds. <br />CCHT Need o�'Funds and Application AuYhorizaiion - Page 1 of 1 <br />