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Offiee Us� <br />LIVABLE COMMUN�T�ES D�MONSTRATTON ACCOUNT <br />2007 G1�A.NT P��AP'�T..�ICA'I`ION <br />Ins�ructions• <br />1. Please complete and subztai� this pre-applicatioz� by �une �1, 2007. No application vvill be accepted wit�or�t a <br />pare-aPplication submitted by this date. <br />2. In addition, atfach a vitcinity nta€ap that includes �he projeet site, provided i�y the Council. Contact �etropalitan <br />Council staffperson G�reg �'ates {(�SI-602-141Q ar e.�tes} io obtain a vicinityznap <br />showir�g project locatian, planned land use, txansit locatians, and adjacent land uses. Appiieant is responsible far <br />marking t�e pzoject site �aundaries an this ma�. . <br />LCDA staff will reply with comiments on your pre-application by June 1�, 200"�. Staff wiIl com�nent: I} on eligibility a� <br />ite�ns for which funding is requested; 2) if a praposal is not we11 targeted to the program criteria and therefore unlikely ta <br />be connpetitive in the eva�ual:ion proeess; and 3) n�ay ac��ise, in some cases, that requiz-ed information is missing �'rarr� the <br />project description. <br />Praject 1�iame: Har Mar Ap�trfinents <br />Appiicant: city, corrz��y or Ci�ty of Roseville <br />devala rnent aut�axi <br />Project �,ocation: City: Rosevilie, MN <br />Stt�eet boundaries, address �����X�� Avenue �T and Highw�y 36 <br />or ma'or intersectinn: <br />Pro,�ect Cn�tact: Na�ne: Ma�zreen M3c�a�ski, Ceni�-al Corn��nity' Housin� Trust <br />Title: Praject Ma�ager <br />Address: 1625 �'a�'k Ave�tue <br />Ciry, Zipcode: Min�eapoiis, MllT 55404 <br />Phone & Fax: 6��_�41_341$ ext. 23G FAX-612-341-4208 <br />E-�nail: <br />A. Funding P�-aposal <br />Desc�ibe �he element, bui�ding, or phase(s} tha� will go forvvard io construction wi�hin one year, iFthis funding <br />request is gz�anted, and lae corr� le�ed or s�bsta�tiail com �eted wi�l�ia� two ears of the ra�t avaard <br />{December 2007}.13o noi include nurnbers of ho�zsing units ar other project elen�aents that apply to development <br />initiated beyond two years of ihe grant award dat�—znclude these detail� in Sec. I.C, if applicable. TncTude <br />funding request (dol�ars) in Sec. �.B. <br />Situated on a 5.4-acre site, Har Mar Apart�z�ents is an existing 120-unit apa�ment building aomplex in Roseville, <br />MN. Built i� 1965, the develop�ent con�ai�s 5 buildings wi�h 2I �o Zb one-bedroom unifs per building. The laxge <br />majori�y of these units �ave a si�i�cant amaunt flf d�fe�ed rnaintenance and are in ne�d of rr�ajor repair. There is <br />also an appraximate 20% vacancy rate c►�rrently at the buildin�s. Central Community Houszng Tz-us�, with the <br />support oi the City af Roseville, proposes to rehabilita�e the existin� property into 103 one and two bedrQOm <br />apartments. The re�abilitation plans will divcrsify the unit type to pravide increased ha�zsing ehoices for low anc3 <br />moderate-ineorne workers, as we�l as some market-rate apartments. .Affordable rents will be taz'geted ta res�dents at <br />30%, 50% and 60% area tnedian income. CCHT will also make considerable irnprovernenis to the buiiding <br />exteriors, add landscaping and recreafiion areas ( a tot lot for chiIdren) and will signi�eantly improve <br />overali curb appeal. <br />These nearly 40-yeaz' vld siz-uct�res are ty,pieal of the 1960-7Ds; often when these older buildings are stressed with <br />vacancy, social iss�es, and years of d�ferred maintenance, �he �ypical reactian is to tear dpwn �;he buildings and start <br />over. CCHT's experience pro�es ti�at a better and more cost e£�'ectiv� salu�ion is tp prese�-ve the buildings through <br />reuse of valuable buiIding materials, which wa�ld otherwise end up in a landfil�, and preserve a resource that has <br />ser�ved the camrnunity for decades. <br />C:1Aowments and Setiings5jtunieaadallLaaai 5ettingslTemporary Inlemet Fi1es10LKb81PreAgplicatioof2).doc <br />