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C. Fu�ure Develvp:�ent Phases, ii applicabie <br />Describe fu�ure deveioprrieni or phases that wiil be undertalcen beyond two y�ars from the date ofihe <br />grant award (Dea 2007), Describe �hasing pian and include details of phases, e.g. anticipated nu�nber and <br />type of housing units, other praposed praject cvmponen�s. Zf na �uture phases or development axe <br />lanneci beyond two years, war�te ivU1v.� (�,im�c zQ t�nes) <br />Phase I of the Har Mar Apartmen�s developmen# as the s��star�tial rehabilitatian of �he 5 exis�ing %ui�dings on <br />th� site as descr�bed in sectian A. Fhase TT of the developmen�: will be the new constructian of 50 two and thzee <br />bedroom units of affordable housing combined with �rr�derground parking. T�e new canst�-uctron is pz-opased for <br />the northwest corner 4f �he site, whici� is curren�iy surface parking. <br />P�ase II of the dev'eiapment wi�� deerease t�Ze surface parkizzg and improv� the wa�kabi�i�y and gz�e�n space Qn <br />the praperty. The new buildi�ig wili feature balconies to allaw for more "eyes on the street," cornznunity space <br />for rental by residents for special events, and add an additional tot lat for children. <br />D. Compl�ted And/Or Exis�ing Adjacent Aevelopmen� <br />Describe buildin�s or eleveloprnent p�iases already constructed, if appiicabie, andlor other existing <br />deveiopxnent adjacent to �he projecl; area described in Section I.A, pag� l, "F't��ding Praposal." E�.,m�t zo <br />Other t�an ihe exis�in� buildings described as Phase I of the I�ar Mar Apaxhnents redevelopznent, the�e are na <br />phases aiready consir�zcted. <br />Adjacent to the existing buildings, bu:t separated by trees and green space, are ather multifararaily properti�s of <br />si�nitat vintage, a� well as a retail sirip xna11 ta the sou�h of t�� property. D'zrcctly aeross Snelling Avenue, to t�e <br />east of t�e properiy, is a 5upex Target and Har Mar Mall (including Cub Foods). Directly narth of the site, <br />across Highway 36, is Rosedaie Center and assnciated shoppin� areas eornbined vvith resta�irants a�d <br />entertainment facilities. <br />