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Aitacl�rne�t C <br />Proj��t �����t�ve <br />Si�e: Cleve[and A��nu� <br />Roseville, MN <br />�"l�e la�d �arcels located ai �Qp8 and 301 Q Clevelanc� Avenue are praposed to b� <br />retieveiopet� with a�eniar orienYeck campus. The proposal inciudes 14 single-le�el �aw� <br />hort��s, arra�ged in 4-unit artd fwin �ome canfigurations, anc� ar� ap�roxirr�atefy � 13-unit, <br />4-story Applewnod Painte Cooperative, Th� si�e gains access from Ci�veland Av�nue <br />and provides access ihrough the site to the C�#y Park property adjacent to tY�e easti �af the <br />site. The cu�ren� wetlands or� the site are main�ained for the �ost pat�. <br />The �uildings on the site are oriented in a north/soutl� manner with fhe I�ngth of tl�� <br />buifdir�gs running easilw�st. T�is �rovides for a low visuaE imp�ct on Cleveland Avenue, <br />l'he town hpmes are p[aced a[ang th� shared prope�ty line with the �xistir�g dupl�xes <br />�nd single-family �omes to the norkh, providing a tr.ansitian tca �he caa�erativ�. The <br />cc�a�erative builcfirtg is placed as #ar south on the site as perr�itt�d. Adequaie s�rface <br />parking is provided. Each town home has a cEoubie-car garage. There will be one stalf <br />per ur�it in the conperative's underground garagc�. <br />Similar ta �he Arona redeveiapmer�t, the buildin�s wilf b� architecturally eor-npatib�e and <br />tf�e pec�estrian conneciior�s will b� lin�ced th�-aughout the sit� and fo cannectiorts ofF site. <br />Retaining artd enhancing the wetl��d an site, use of a var'ie#y of exteriar building <br />materials, fihe po�itioning nf �he buildin�s on site and fh� �novemer�t of �he Cflopera�ive <br />bui�ding, ali combine to make a very attraciive entry tc� fhe site ar€d an attrac�ive �alan. <br />The site will be welf landscaped and professionalfy maintained. <br />