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2 8.6 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 9.0 <br />Due to that lack af pertinen� infoz�aatzan, zaezther t�e Publzc Works, �nvironment and <br />Transportation Catnnn�ssaaY (PWETC) nar the Parks and Recreation Corn�ission l�ave <br />rev�ewed this application. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDAT�ON: <br />7 9.1 The Ciiy Planner ��d the Development Review Committee have determined that the <br />S subz�ittal by Cent Ventures and ArnWest Develo��ner�t LLC does not cantain t�e <br />9 pertinen� informa�ion �ec�ssasy fbr sta�f to appropriat�ly review a�ad pxov�de the Planning <br />10 Commission with a detailed recazn�zez�dation. Therefore, it is reco�rnended tha� the <br />11 �ropasal iz� its current form be DENTED. <br />12 <br />13 9.2 D�e �a the ex�airatior� of the extended 60-day clock on Au�ust 3, 2Q07, continui�g <br />1� consideration of this item until the J�ly Plaz�ing Co�a�aissiaza r�eeting z�ay be <br />15 impractical unless tlae app�ica�t requests an additia�al ex�ension. <br />16 <br />� 7 9.3 <br />�8 <br />X9 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />2� <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />2S <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />3S <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />The City Planner offers the following assessment of the propasal as t�e basis for denial: <br />A. On May 21, the Rosevilie City Ca�cil appraved ik�e cpznpletion of the <br />Alternative Urban Area Review {�UARj update. It is sugge�ted that t1�e applicant <br />wait un�il the AUAR update is ca���e�e a�d approved ar eomplet� a <br />Discretianazy �nvironmental Assessment Worksheet for staff ta ur�derstand <br />pate�tzal i�npacts which may rec�uire rrzitigatior�. Section 1005.07B states: A B-6 <br />distriet may be established aftear conap�etion and ciiy approva� of a�ixed-usc; <br />rnaster plan for i�e entire d�sirict arzd completian of any required ar voluntaiy <br />envzronmental review suc� a� ar� Envirorimental Irnpac� State�nent (EIS} ar <br />Alterr�ate Urbat� Area Re�riew (AUAR} as de£'i�ed by t�e Mizznesota <br />Environmental Qua�ity Soard z-ules. <br />B. Wh�n the City Counci� a�proved the 2001 Masfier �'lan �t st�ongly disco�raged site <br />by site develop�ent an� azx�ang the strategies af the plan was the requiren�ent tka� <br />z�edevelo�ment occur on a number of �arcels at or�e tirne. Staff needs to <br />unders�and any �o�ential impac�s and t�eir potential eur�aulatzve iznpacts of the <br />rernainder of the Twzn La�es Redevelopmen� Area s�ould a separate site <br />redevelopzne�at be supported. <br />Ce Absent a detailed traffic anaiysis af the pro�osed uses on th� subjeet site, staff is <br />unable fia det�rmine whethcr the proposed right-in/right-o�t is appropariate and <br />consequently whether it can be supportec� even in a�e�n�araay rnanner. <br />�1 D. It is unclear whether tlae proposal can adec��ate�y �anage traf�c created by the <br />42 tvvo uses witk�aut supporting roadways, specifically Twii� Lakes Park�e�vay andlor <br />43 Maunt Ridge Road. The �raffic analysislstudy provided �y the applicani s�o�ld <br />�4 assist sfiaff and th.e Ciiy's trafize consultant in reachiz�g eoncluszons regarding the <br />4�5 �roposal. <br />46 <br />PF07-021_RCA_061807 Page 8 of 11 <br />