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2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 11.Q ADDITIONAi, �TAFF COMMENTS: <br />6 11.1 Since the P1an�ing Comrnission hearing the �'lar�ning S�aff has be�n seel�ing ��e <br />7 necessary information it has detez�ined �aecessa�ry tp £orward an appra�x�ate <br />8 recaamza�e�datxa� �o the City Cou�cil. And while we have been in contact wi�h t�e <br />9 applicant and discussing an applicant extension to the re�iew deadline, we have not <br />10 received nor �ade any progress oz� rec�ivzng az�y adc�itional iz�for�.aatio�. <br />11 11.2 It sho�ld be noted tlaat I�agi�ae Roseville 2025 i�dicaies ihat the city shauld discourage <br />12 pzecez�eal de�elop�n:ent. And tl�ough not defined nor piaced in�o any conl;ext, the <br />� 3 Planr�ing Divi�ion believes tha� this statemez�t pertains ta plar�ned redevelopFnent areas <br />14 ihat depends acldi�ional parce�s or a z�uch laarge area i�a order to p�op�ar�y address adec�uate <br />1S ancl appropriate desigz� and public infrastruc�ure. <br />16 11.3 �urther, tha �'la�an�z�g Divisian zs charged with r�viewing proj�et against n�merou� <br />�'7 plan�r�ing documents (Comprehensive Land Use Plari, Zoning Ordinance ar�d Twin Lakes <br />1 S Master �'lan) �o determine consistency and �or provision of a professioz�al <br />19 recoz�znendatioz� with the assistance a� 1:k�e Development Revzew Comnaittee to the <br />20 �'�anning Comr�ission ancl subsequently the City Council. However, the City Council <br />21 ultir�a�ely must detenn�ne w1�et�er an� gi�ren proposal meets the purpos� and inteni of its <br />22 guid�r�g docurnents a� well as its formai policy. <br />23 12.0 SUGG�ST�D CT'�Y COUIiTC`IL ACT�4N; <br />24 12.1 BY MQTION, RECOMIVIEND D�NIAL af t�e requ�st �y Cea�t Ventu�es and <br />25 A�uWest ]Develo�ment LLC based Qz� the absence of pertinent in�armation <br />26 necessa�y as fdentified in Sectinn 9.3 of the projec� report date Jnne I8, 2007e <br />27 12.2 S�ot�ld be City Council be inclined tio ap�roved the Cent Ventr�re/AmWest Development <br />2& LLC aret��est, sia�£ �s requesti�g 1:Iiat the i�em be eantinued until July 23, 2007, in order to <br />29 allow staff to develop t�e appropriate conditions. <br />30 Prepared by: Ciiy �'larzner Tho�as Paschke (651-792-7074) <br />3� Attachments: A: Area map <br />32 B: Aerial photograph <br />33 �: Applicant narrative <br />34 D: �'roposed site p�ans <br />3S E: Twin lakes R�devetopinent Area i'roject <br />3G F: Design Principles <br />PF07-021_RCA_OC�I847 Page 11 of 11 <br />