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I <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />I2 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />�6 <br />�7 <br />18 <br />19 <br />�o <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />3� <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 <br />4S <br />49 <br />50 <br />51 <br />52 <br />53 <br />54 <br />55 <br />56 <br />b. P�ANNfNG FfLE U7-ti28 <br />ReqUesi by Rosedaie Commons i.LP for approval of a CON�ITIONA�. US� PERMlT <br />to allow PetSmart (pet and pet sup�ly sfore) as a tenant in ih� farmer CompiiSA <br />space withir� Rosedaie Commons Shopping Cen�er, 248� Fairview Avenue. <br />C�tair Bakeman apened t�e Pt�blic Hearing far Planning �iie �7-Q26. <br />City Planner Thor�nas f�aschke re�iewed the request of Rosedale Comrnans �.�', <br />seefcing appro�a[ for a"pet and pet supply store: within Rosedale Commons Shopping <br />Center. GompUSA has or wili �e vacating their fenan� space within the Center and <br />P�tSmart desir�s tn occupy th� 25,870 sq�are font space and op�rate a facility that <br />waul� include a pet and pe# supply retail area, vefierinary hea[th area, pet hotelldoggi� <br />day care, grooming area, and �raining area. <br />Mr. paschke advised that the Shopping Center has a Comprehensive Land Use Map <br />and Zorring tVlap designatian of SC, St�oppirrg Cen�er, ar�d the Address Map Bac,k <br />distributed by the Community ��velopment Departmen# indicates the �roperty is <br />zoned Planned Unit �evelopment (PtJD}; hawever, Planning staff review af his�oricai <br />documents conclude that �he prop�rty is incorreatly identified and is actually zoned <br />Shopping Center District {�ebruary 11, 1985, �rdinance NO. 967). <br />Staff recornmer�ded AC'PROVAi., based on comments and �indings of Seciion 5 and <br />conditians of Section 6 of #he project repc�rt dated March 7, 20Q7. <br />Chair gakeman questioned provisions in Schedule A regarding avernight boarding <br />se�vices and serwices con�ucfed wi�haut a licensed veterinarian. <br />Mr. Paschke noted that fihis would be par� nf ti�e licensing applications thrnugh the <br />state or county, as per his d�scc�ssions with t�e City's Finartce �7irector regarding <br />licensirtg issues, and not implicatir�g the land use issue before tF�e Planning <br />Commission. <br />Adc(itianal discussion arnong s#aff and Commissioners inc[uded cattsistencies and <br />appropriateness of pet stores and pet-related issues for a Ganditional U�e Permit <br />(CUP); city, state, and fiederal law pro�isions and requiremert�s for licensing of such <br />faciliiies; and stafFs intent to recammend occupancy of PetSmart and those �ses <br />listed in Schedule A, Description of the Reques�. <br />Anp[icant Represenfafi�es <br />Premise Owner Reptesentative, Jeffrey W. Jan�s, Attorney at Law, represenfing <br />Shappittg Cenker; Fabyanske, Wes�ra, liart S� Thonnson, i'.A., St�ite 9900, 8#ip <br />La3atle Ave�ue� Minn�apotis, MN 554U2 <br />Senaor Counsel for Pet3mart, E[len S. Frank, Senior Caunsel, t�and Use and <br />Real Estate, 19fiQ'C hI 27t�' Avenue, �'hoenix, AZ 85027 <br />Ms. Frar�� provided several bench handouts ior Commission review at their leisure, <br />incl€�dir�g a DVD personalized tour of a PetSma�t facility; and a letter dated Septemb�r <br />9, 2qi16 hy �ominion �nvironmental Consuitants, lnc. with results af a noise s�rvey <br />canctucted by #Me firm an Augusi 19, 2006. <br />Mr. Jones requested that t�e CUP sti�ulate t�e uses permiited. <br />N#s. �rank summarized fhe operation vf a PetSrna�t fac�iity, as a ful�-service pet store, <br />with alE needs from adaptinn fhrough boarding, grooming, fraining and l�ausir�g. Ms. <br />