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EKTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br />C�'�"Y CUUNC�L OF THE C�TY QF ROSEVILLE <br />P�a�s�ant ta due call and notice thereo�, a regular me��ir�g of the City Cn�ncil of the City of <br />Rosevil�e, Couniy o� Ramsey, Mi�nesota, was �e�d on the l St'' day of �une 2007, at 6:0� p.m. <br />The �n�iawin� members wez�e pxes�nt: <br />and t�e following were absent: <br />Cou�cil Merz�bear intraduced the �o�lowing xesaluiio� a�d z�oved 'zts ado�tiar�: <br />RE�OLUTION 1�0. <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVTNG A C�NDITIONAL U�E PERMIT IN ACCORDANCE <br />WITH §1.a05.015 AND �1.0�3.0� OF THE RC)SEVILLE C�TY CODE <br />FOR RO�EDALE COMMONS LP AND PET�MART, <br />2480 FAIRV��W AV�NU� (PF07-02Gj. <br />�VHEREAS, �'etSa�aaaz�t {in coaperatian with Roseclale Ca�anaoz�s LP, property o�wn.ex) has <br />�equested a CONDIT�4NAL USE PERMIT to allow a pe� and pet supply store within Rosedale <br />Co�mons shopping eenter; and <br />WT-�ER.EAS, t�e use, �et and pet supply �tore, required a CONDIT�ONAL USE �'ERMIT <br />in § 1013.01 of the Roseville City Code; and <br />WHEREAS, the subjeet property is located at 1 S00 Highway 36 Trontag� Road and <br />legally described as: <br />REQU�RE LEGA.L DE�CR�PT�ON <br />WHEREAS, Sect�a�� 10�3 establ�shes ihe criteria �or reviewing canditio�al use pern�its, <br />whic� is as follo�vs: <br />a. <br />b. <br />G. <br />c�. <br />e. <br />f. <br />1'fnpact an traffic <br />�'inpacts on pa�1�s, st�eets and othe� public facilities <br />Campatibility of the site plan, inte�nal ci�-culation, land'scaping and st�ucture with <br />contiguaus properties <br />Impact o,f the use on market value of contiguous pYOperties <br />Impact on the gene�al public health, safety and welfaYe <br />Compatibility with the Gity's CompYehensive Plan <br />WHEREA�, T�e Rasevill� Plann'rng Co�nmission held �he public hearing regarding th� <br />Pet�rnart request on June 6, 2007, recom�nending {�-0) approval of the CONDITIONAL USE <br />PERM�T, subjec� to cond.a�ion�; <br />