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REE�UE5T FOR C4UNC�L ACTION <br />2 <br />3 Dato: 6/� 8/07 <br />4 Item No: <br />6 Depart��nt Approval: Manager Approvect: Agenda Section: 7.a <br />7 "'�� � � IV Consen� <br />��` ,� <br />9 �tem l�escription: A�proval of �ayxnents <br />11 <br />' i 2 Ir�traductior� <br />13 State Slatuie requires t�e City Councii to approve all paya!xae�t af claims. The fol�owi�g <br />14 �u�znary af claims has bee� submitted to ihe City for payment. <br />1S <br />16 <br />ACH Payrnents $73,903.94 <br />47688-�7746 $�03,820.78 <br />Tota� $177,724.72 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />2�i <br />2i <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />A de�ailed repar� of the claims is anached. Ci�y Staff have reviewed the claazxas a�ci considers <br />thez�: to be ap�ropriate fcsr the gaods and servzces recezved. All expenditures have beer� funded <br />by �he curreni budget and/ar monies that have been donaied. <br />For punaoses of added i��forznatzan, all Twin Lakes-related iie�s ha�e been highlighted by an <br />asteris� an the at�ach�d report. Where applicable, these costs r�i11 be foz�vvarded to the Twin <br />Lalces developer �or reiml�urser�ent as specified under the terms and ca�ditio��s oi the <br />Redevelopme�t Agxeernez�t. In �he er�ent t�at the developer does not submit reizxabuz�sement, the <br />City will dra�w upo� a bank-certified Letter of Caredit by a corresponding amount. As of Mav 31 a <br />2007, the City i�as drawn: on the Letter of Credit by $205,4�6.4�i. <br />St�f#' Reco�rnenda�ion <br />Sfiaff recommencls a��aroval of aIl payrnent of clai�xas. <br />Cnancil Actio� Requesied <br />Approve payment oiclairns as subamitted. <br />