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�`i�y of R�a�eville <br />Finance Depar�rnent, �,��ense I�i�vision <br />2660 Ci�vac Cenier Drive, RasevYlle, MN SS� 13 <br />(651) 792-7434 <br />Veter�nary �ospita� Appl�cation <br />Business Name � 1.'t'�t"�,`l C: S '�v1`, 4`nf:� i`�' ��: C C� �'S �� i�. � <br />� <br />susii�es5 Adaxess t % L.-G.�' 7��1;C�.,,� �� . i.,�s�'s4 �C.��'v; tti � , �`i�� � „� i � '� <br />Busirzess Phone � � • <br />�rr�ail Address ,�._ , . . . _ . �,,,, <br />Person to Contact in Regard to Business License: <br />s� n � <br />Name <br />Adciress <br />r ' � � n„„ :r..,Z <br />, ,-- ,- <br />Phane <br />I her�by apply for th� following license(s} fc�r the term of one year, beginning July 1, ZC3G`-% , and ending <br />June 30; °�C>C.) �; , in �e Ci�y af Rosevi?Ie, Caunty o�Rar�sey, State af M�n�zesota. <br />License Required Fe� <br />Veterinary i�ospital $84.00 <br />The unde�signed a�plicant znakes this application pursuant to a11 the laws of the Sta�e of Minnesota ar�d �-e�;;ulation <br />as the Council of the City of Rosevzlle i�ay frozz� tirr�e to time prescribe, inciuding .�aTi sot a�e #I76. l 82. <br />r <br />Signature ..'--W�-� � -� <br />Date �/ �f C7 1 � % <br />If cot�ple�ed license sl�ould be mailec� somevvhere oiher than the busi�ess address, please advise. <br />