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Regular Ciiy Council Meeting <br />Mo�eaiay, .�ul;y 23, 2007 <br />Page 9 <br />I velopment applicat�ons by Rosevz�Ie `�win Lakes LLC ox ezther of the <br />2 me�nbers o£ the lin��ted liabi�ity campany wou�d be g�ven £i.ill and fair <br />� consid�ra�ion, ��as an attempt by the dev��ope� io bind ihe votes of the <br />4 Ci�y Counci� ar�d allow fo� breach of contract claims. Councilnaember <br />5 Ih1an opined �hat this was not a good settlemeni for �he City, who <br />6 would be essentially be giving up monies thai the developer had <br />7 agreed �o pay, in addition ta unspeczf ed fi.iture risks, Councilmember <br />S Ihlan fur�her opined �hat the City should take no fi.rrther aetion unti� an <br />9 independent le�,al counsel were sought. <br />�o <br />��. Councilmember Ih1an further opined iha� she was against this settle- <br />12 ment; �hat i� would call for publzc accoun�ability for �axpay�� respon- <br />13 sibi�ity; and these consequences fe11 on Mayor Klausing and Coun� <br />� 4 eilme�nbers who voted on issues �ro�n the beginning of the project <br />� 5 when there was pending lil:igation and no protection to the City, in ad- <br />� 6 dit�an to the Caunc�l �najority wl�o autho�ized Quick Tak� �minen� <br />� 7 domain action �nd pu� �he City at risk. <br />�8 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />2S <br />29 <br />30 <br />3� <br />Counci�membe�' Ihlan arequested that actua� Court Oarders be made <br />public on the City's website and avaalab�e �or public xeview and un- <br />derstanding. <br />Counc���nembe� Kough spoke in opposit�on to the motzon; noting his <br />minorz�y oppQSition pos�tion throughQUt the emznent domain pracess; <br />and opined tha� the redev��oper needed �o �ake responsibility, as per <br />the contract an� through �he City recovering funds through the Lette� <br />of Credit. Councilmember Kough recognized the requirement �o� the <br />City �o pay the redeve�ope�r $827,650 in accoxdance with the Caurt <br />Order; howevei, was not willzng to pay any additional funds, with ad- <br />dit�onal a�torr�e� �ees still p�nding. <br />32 Councilm�mbe�r R.oe concurred wi�h Gouncilmember ihlan's concerns <br />33 about a settlement no� a��owing for tihe most optimistic outcome �'or <br />34 the Ciiy. However, Counci�member Roe opined �hat this repxesented <br />35 ihe best �aute to pursue, given recent court rulings, and unde�r p�esent <br />36 circums�ances. Counci�member ftoe opined that, while this may nQ� <br />37 be a great deal, there didn't appea� any obviaus alternatives th�t <br />38 would provide a be�te� settlement £or the City; and �t wou�d be bet�er <br />39 to get same�hing ra�her than nothing, or �nuch less. Councilmember <br />