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Regular �yty Council Meeting <br />�1'�onday, July 23, 200'7 <br />Page 46 <br />1 turn lanes were much mare nec�ssary to Co�lege expans�on that irig- <br />2 gering a signal at Lydia and Fairview, which was not indicated by <br />3 Coliege expansion on its own. �r. �chwartz noted tha� ba�ed on pro- <br />4 jections �a�r campus expansion, improvem�n�s at Sn�l�ing and Lydia <br />5 were trzggered almost imm�diate�y. <br />6 <br />7 Councilmember Pust clarif ed with N�r. Lindgren that it was consistent <br />S with the Ca�lege's undexstanding thai fheir expanszon wou�d �mmediW <br />9 ately trigger imp�avements to the in�ersec�inn af Snelling and Lydia <br />� 4 and �unding for �hose zmprovements. <br />i� <br />12 Mr. Lindgren advised that it was the College's intent to pay their proW <br />13 portionate share. <br />�.4 <br />15 Councilmember Ih�an nated camment,s from Engineer Dan So�er o�' <br />16 the Ramsey Coun�y Pubiic Works Department regarding the in�ersec- <br />�.7 tion o� Lydia and Sne��ing that without campus g�owth, backg�ound <br />18 growth wauld indicat� littl� impact to tra�'�'ic. Couneilmember Ihlan <br />19 questioned the City's �urisd�ction for a County road; and assurance� <br />20 thai the PUD Agreement could make such traff c mi�iga�ion a condi- <br />21 tion. Councilmemb�r Ih1an �urthcr questioned cut-through �raffic if a <br />22 signal were installed at Lydia and Faiz-view and negative impacts to <br />23 those immediate neighborhoods and residences. <br />24 <br />25 Caunczlm�mbear Roe opined that mitzgation recommendations would <br />2� aetual�y improve ihe level of serviee at the intersec�ion; decreasing the <br />2� time to process through the intersection, and hope�ully decreasing ad- <br />28 vantages %r �raffic �eeking alternatives to cut-ih�rough. <br />29 <br />30 Additiona� discussion included travel demand measures implemen�ed <br />3�. by the eollege to discou�age use of cars; need �'or studenis to worl� on <br />32 or o£f campus; and other options being explored to manage travel de- <br />3� mands. <br />34 <br />35 Doug Sch�o�der; No�rthw�stearn Col�ege, Chief Financia� Officer <br />35 Mr. Schroeder advised that approximately 9Q% af s�udents work; with <br />37 600 working on campus. N�r. Schro�c��r noted that �he CoI1�g� val- <br />38 ued community and encouraged p�acement within the communrty £ox <br />39 student employment and inieraction. <br />