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DCTRACT CF MINUTES C� MEETING CF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL CF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />HELD - APRIL 28, 1980 <br />� i1' * � � k t4 { � � 4 � t * * iF i * * <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular <br />meeting of the City Council of the City of Roseville, Ramsey <br />County, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall on Monday, <br />A p r i I 28, 1980, a t 1: 30 P.M. <br />The following members were present: Mayor Demos, <br />Councilmen Anderson and Franke <br />and the following were absent: Councilmen Curley and Kehr. <br />Member Anderson introduced the following resolution <br />and moved i t s adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 6946 <br />VV1�-ER�EPS, the City of Roseville has established a <br />Traffic Safety Ca�nittee whose membership includes the Director <br />of Police, the Director of Public Works and the City Manager; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety C�tt�nit�ee has the responsibility <br />for investigating and studying all matters relating to vehicular traffic <br />conditions and non-motorized uses, including parking, speed, traffic <br />control devices and other traffic safety hazards; and <br />VVVI--EREPS, the Traffic Safety Gorr�rt�t'�ee has the authority to <br />implement or install whatever corrective means to improve traffic <br />safety on streets under the jurisdiction of the City of Roseville; and <br />V1�--EREAS, the Traffic Safety Committee has the authority to <br />recqt�nd to the respective agencies whatever corrective means to <br />improve traffic safety on streets under the jurisdiction of county, <br />state o r federal governments; and <br />WHEREPS, the Traffic Safety Committee has been for many years <br />carrying out this function i n a responsible manner; <br />THEREFORE, BE I T RESOLVFD that the Roseville City Council re- <br />affirm the assigned responsibility and confidence i n the Roseville <br />Traffic Safety Catr��ttee; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVFD, that a copy of this resolution be <br />forwarded to the Ramsey County Board of �ommissioners. <br />�� <br />Attachment A <br />.� <br />� <br />