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�#��ihlAt�l�� <br />The �t�lerizG�tf[�l7t�t Cnrlcs are designed and promulgated to be adopted by reference by ordinance. Jurisdictions wishing to adopt <br />the 2003 i�i� • r�r�� �;•� �i �i PrQ�er-tti� Mai�t'1er2a�ice Code as �u� �nfui•ceab?e regulation governing existing structures �i�d premises <br />Shoulcl ez�SU�-e that certain factual information is included in the adopting ordinance at t�e tim�= adoptionis being considered by the <br />appropriate governmental body. The Following sample adnptiotl ordinance �ddressey scver�l ti�'�' elements flf a code adoption or- <br />dinance, including the iz��oi7natiotl required for inaertio� into the code text. <br />������ ��������� ��� �������� �� <br />�H E �1������i ���f���. �������� ll��l����l�'�1��� ���� <br />C#���±� � �►.L�i��l �I����I <br />An ordinance of the [JURISD1CT10N] adogti�i� the 2003 edition of l��c- �'�i �.• �. ••.::,r��r•; Pi•nj�ertt� fefC�rrolrnan�d Code, reguiating and <br />governing the conditions at�� znaintenaz�cv o��rtd� prope�-[y, buildings It�id titivcF�ires; by providing thu st���d�u-ds It� suppliec� utili- <br />ties at��ifacilities and otherphysical things and conditions es;;etitaal to ensure that structures are safe, stznilary and fit for occiipa- <br />� tion and �sse; and the cpstclemua[io�. qf buildings and structures uafiL'� �i i�uit�ti�n �*:'�up�r� and use, aud the demolition �F such <br />- existing S��uceures in the [JURISD1CT10N]: providing tor the issuance of per�niLs ancL collection of fees thel�ePUr: repealing Ordi- <br />-- nance No. of the [JURISD1CT10N] and all other ordinances and parts uf tlte ordinances itt conflicttherewith. <br />The [GOVERNING BODYJ of the [JURISD1CT10N] does ordain as follows: <br />Section L That a�e��tain document, three (3) copies of which are on file in the ofFice of t�e [;iTLE OF JURISD1CT10N'SKEEPER OF <br />' RECORDS] of [NAM.EOFJURISD1CT10N],bei�i�marked and designated as the �'�'�•' �:� �� � •': •�� : ��'• ��'�'�" � �• �� �� ��•'� ':�: ��•'�' Code. 2003 edi- <br />�• tion, as the �r�E�rnatipa�li Code Council, he and is hereby adopted as theProperty Maintenance Code of the [JURIS- <br />_ pi�rap:��.��the�i,i���of[STATENAME]forregulatingandgoverningth�conditionsandmaintenanceofallproperty,buil�iingtand <br />structures: byprovfdin� the standards for stap��'tea titiltttts a�tc�facilities and ol��ez' [�hVsic�l d�iq�s and conditions essential to en- <br />sure that structures are safe, sanitary and fitfor occu�aYion and �tse; �€nd the condemnation of buitdings and str�citirc.� i�i�fit for hu- <br />man occupa�Gy and use. and the demolition of such existiit, structures as herein px�ovided, �rovicliizQ for the �ssur,�,�.�� �f pet-mits <br />and collection of fees therefor: and ti �t.i and �11 of tlt� re�t�latinns, provisions, pena�i�ies„ conditions a�id ter�s of said Property <br />MaintenanceCode onfslei�. the office ofih�� •,;�:*� �� r,�' � �� �•� � are hereby referred to, adopted, and m�de aparthereof, as it� fully set <br />out in this ordinance, with the �dciitions, insertions, dci�ttot�s and �i�anG�;s, if any, prescribed in Section 2 of this ordinance. <br />Section 2. The following sections arc hrrcby revised: <br />Section 101.1. lnsert: [NAME OF JURISDICT[��I� <br />Section �p3_5. lnsert: [APPROPRIATESCHEDULE] <br />Section 304.14. lnsert: [DATES IN TWO LOCATIONS] <br />Section G02..i- lnsert: [DATES IN TWO LOCATIONS] <br />Section 602.4. lnsert: [DATES N TWO LOCATIONS] <br />Section 3. That Ordinance No. of [JiFRISpICTtOE�� entitled [FILL IN HERE THE COMPLETE "1T1'LE OF THE ORDINANCEOR <br />ORDINANCES IN EFFECT AT THE, PRESENT iIM� SO THAT THEY Wi�-L BE RF,PEALED SY DEFINITE MEN"110N] and �1 other ordi- <br />nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith arc hereby repealed. <br />Section 4. That s�'any section, subsection, senTence, e�a«se or phrase of ihis ordinance is, I'oz-�iny re�3son, l�e]r� to be ��or�sutii- <br />Cional, such decision shall not affectthe �c�lic��ity of theremaining portions of this ordinance. The [GOVFdZNING BODYJ hereby de- <br />clares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each sectio�i, subsection. clause or phrase thereof; irrespective of the fact that <br />any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clause:; and phrases be declared unconstitutional. <br />5e�tion 5. �'E��tnath,�ng in thas ordinanceor in the Property Maintenance Codehereby adnpted shall be consii-��„Y to {�e��t �iny suai <br />or proceedingimpending in any court, ot� any rights acquired, o�i 1ia€�i(iEy incurred, or any cause oC eattses of action acquired oi ex- <br />� zs�z��, under any act or o�•divat�ce hereby r��e��iled as cited in S ection2 of thi s ordinance; nor stiall any just or legal right or remedy <br />of any character be iosC, impaired or affected by this ordinance. <br />Section 6. That the [JURISD1CT10N'S KEFPFdt OF RECORDS] ��S hereby ordered and directed to cause this ordinance to be pub- <br />lished. (An additional provision may be required to direct the n� ts��ber of times the ordinance is to be published and to specify that <br />it is to b e i n s newspaper in general circulation. Posting may also be required.) <br />2003 IN"1'F,RNATIONAL PROPERTY MA�II'IIVANCE CODE <br />