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CHAPTER1 <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />SECTION 101 <br />GENERAL <br />101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Property <br />Mai�atettar�ce Code of [�r�EOF3u�1spICITDN]� hereinafter re- <br />ferred to as "this code." <br />101.2 Scope.'3'he prowi siat�s of this codc shall appiy to aal exist- <br />ing residential and nonresidential structures and all existing <br />premises and Gonstitute ininimumrequirements and standards <br />lor preinises, structures, equipinent and facilities for light, ven- <br />tilation, space, heating, sanitation, protection from the ele- <br />inents, life safety, safety froin fire and other hazards, and for <br />safe and sanitary inaintenance; the responsibility of owners, <br />operators and occupants: the occupancy of existing structures <br />and preinises, and for adininistration, enforceinent and penal- <br />ties. <br />101.3 Intent This code shall be construed to secure its ax- <br />pressedintent, which is Co ensure public health, safety and wel- <br />fare insofar as they are affected by the continued occupancy <br />and inaintenance of structares and preinises. Existing struc- <br />tares and preinises that do not coinply with these provisions <br />shall be ��terecf or repaired to provide a ininiinuin level ti�� <br />health and safety as required herein. Repairs, alterations, addi- <br />tions to and change of occupancy in existing buildings shall <br />coinply with the .�nterrzntional Existing Building Code. <br />101.4 5everabilily. �f a section, subsection, sentence, clause or <br />phrase of this code is, for any reason, held to be unconstitu- <br />tional, such decision shall not affectthe validity of the rez�ain- <br />ing portions of this code. <br />SECTION 102 <br />APPLICABILITY <br />102.1 General. The provisions of this code shall apply to all <br />inatters affecting or relating to structures and preinises, as set <br />fc�rth in Section 101. Where, in a specific case, different sec- <br />tions of this code specify different requireinents, the inost re- <br />strictive sbatl govern. <br />102.2 Maintenance. Equipment, systems, devices and safe- <br />guards required by this code or a previous regulation or code <br />under which the structure or preinises was constructed, altered <br />or repaired shall be inaintained 'm good working order. No <br />owner, operator or occupant shall cause any service, facility, <br />equipment or utility which is required under this section to be <br />reinoved froin or shut off fro�n. or discontinued for any occu- <br />pied dwelling, except for such temporary intei7uptinn as neces- <br />sary while repairs or alterations are in progress. The <br />requireinents of this code are not intended to provide the basis <br />for reinoval or abrogation of fire protection and safety systeins <br />and devices in existing structures. Except as otherw�se speci- <br />fied herein, the owner or the owner's designated agent shall be <br />2003 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTYMAINTENANCE C£}i}EQ <br />responsible for the inaintenance of buildings, structares and <br />premises. <br />102.3 Application of othercodes. Repairs, additions or alter- <br />ations to a structure, or changes of occupancy, shall be done in <br />accordance with the procedures and provisions of rhe.l�zxerna- <br />taoraad Existilig Building Code. Nothing in this code shall be � <br />constr�tiedto cancel, inodify or set aside any provisionofthe 1�- <br />ternr�tioraal �oni,ag Code. <br />102.4 Existing reinedies. The provisions in this code sha�1 not <br />be construed to abolish or iinpair existingreinedies of the juris- <br />diction or its af�cers or agencies relating l� the reinoval or de- <br />inolition of any structure which is dangerous, unsafe and <br />insanitary. <br />1U�,� Warkinanship. Repairs, inaintenance wark, alterations <br />or installations which are caused d'zrectly or indirectly by the <br />enforceinent of this code s�al] be executed and installed in a <br />warkinanlike inanner and installed in accordance with the <br />inanufactarer's installation instructions. <br />102.6 Historic buiidings. The prov�sions of this code shall not <br />be mandatory for existing buildings or structares desi��at;.c' as <br />historic buildin� when such buildines or structures aze iuds;ed <br />by the code o�ciaf tp be safe aaci in the public i.�tezest of <br />health, safety and welfare. <br />102.7 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and stan- <br />dards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in <br />Chapter 8 and considered part of the requireinents of this code <br />to ihe prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differ- <br />ences occar between provisions of this code and the referenced <br />standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. <br />102.8 Requireinents notcoveredby code. Requirements nec- <br />essary for the strength, stability or Frop�z operationof an exist- <br />ing fixture, structure or equipinent, or for the public safety, <br />health and general welfare, not specifically covered by tizas <br />code, shall be detennined by the code official. <br />SECTION 103 <br />DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY <br />MAINTENANCE INSPECTION <br />103.1 General. The departinent of property inaintenance in- <br />spection is hereby created and the executive officiai�u charge <br />thereof shall be known as the code official. <br />103.2 Appoinhnent. The code official shall be appointed by <br />the chief appointing authority of thejurisdiction; and the code <br />o£�i�ia� shall not he removed from office except for cause and <br />after full opportunity to be heard on specific and relevant <br />charges by and before the appointing authority. <br />103.3 Deputies. In accordance wit�l the prescribed procedures <br />af this jurisdiction and with the concurrence of the appointing <br />authority, the code ofiici� shall have the authority to appoint a <br />.__ � <br />� <br />i <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />