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K. Temporary On-sale Lic�ns�s: Terz�po�ary O�-sale lieenses may be i�sued to a club ar <br />charitabie, religious or non�aro�t arga�ization in existence for a� least t��ree {3) years <br />i�n con�ectio� with social events wit�ir� the Ci�y, for up to t�aree (3) days in <br />accordanc� vvith Minnesota ,�tatutes section 340A.404, subdivision 10. (�995 Cnde) <br />L. Temporary On-sale Lice�7se In Central Par�: Upan �ay�ent oithe �ee and <br />sub�nission of a completed application for��n, �he City Manager is authoz-i�ed to <br />apprave a terr�porary 4n-sale license for the saie and distrib�tian of nanintoxicating <br />ma�t �iqu.or to a c�ub, c�aritable, religio�s ar other not��ro�t orgazlization in exis�ence <br />at least three (3} years, %r sucl� sale aild distribution in Central Park only for a time <br />no� to exceed three (3) ca�sect�tive days, provided the following conditions are rnet: <br />I. Insu�ance: �'roof of liquor lia�ility insurance in an amo��t egual to and in �he �'or�n <br />rec��ired by s�bsection 302.03C af this C�apter is filed witl� the applica�ian. <br />2. Security Plan: A security plan, a�proved by the Chie�' of Police, is f led along with <br />the application. <br />3. Ho�rs qf Sale: �n additian to the limitation on �ours found elsewhere ian t�is Code, <br />ihe hours of sale shall be anly during �he ti�rae t�at Centrai Park is open �o the public. <br />Sales and dis�ribution shall be lacafied only in a s�elter building or a�emparary <br />shelt�r, sue% as a tent, approved by the City Manager. <br />In the event i�e City Nlanager d�nies the application, for any z-easo��, the applicant <br />may appeal the decision of the City Manager to the City Council. (Or�. 1102, 9-23- <br />199I} <br />M. Intoxicating Li�uors at The Rosevill� Skating Cen�er Garrrmunity Rooms: <br />Tn�axicating liquor may be sald in the Roseville Skating Center Community Roams <br />onl� uncier the following conditions: <br />1. By tl�e City-designated caterer ftar the Roseville Skatirtg Center Cotrimunity <br />Rooins wha shall hald retai� 4r�-sale intoxicating liquor liccnse issued by ihe City or <br />by an adjacent �unicipality. <br />2. Tk�e caterer must be enga�ed tc� dispense antaxicating liquor at ar� event held by a <br />person ar organization permitted to use the Rosevzlle Skating Center Comrnunity <br />-Rooms, and may dispense ii��oxicating liq�oar oanly to persons attending the event. <br />3. The caterer delivers ta the Caiy a ce�ificate of insurance providing "o�f pre��ises" <br />or "catered event" -liquoz- liability coverage n�mir�g the City of Roseville, to the �i�il <br />` ` `:�xte�t of statu�ory cc�ve�age;:as an addi�ianal��amed i�t'sured.' : �- : � - <br />4. A�I other r�le�s and reg�zlat�ons esta�alished by the City rel��:ing to the �sa1e or -. . <br />dispensing of intoxica�ing �iquar iz� t�e Roseville Skating Center Comm�nity Roa�s <br />are; complied with. (Ord. 12 � 7, � 2-14-1998) <br />302.03: APPLTCATTON: <br />A. Requirerr�ents: The require�ents set forth in �1�is Section shall apply to applications <br />for those licenses named in S�ction 302.02 af this Chapter. <br />S. Form: <br />1. �nfor�atian Ret�uixed: Eve►-y applicat.ion for a license �.rnder t�is Ck�a�ter shatl <br />staie the na�ne of applicant, applicant's age, pr�sentatians as ta applicanti's charac�er, <br />. r�itl� sueh references as �he City Council �nay require, applicant's citizen�hip, the <br />iype of license appliec�'�or, the b�si��es� in connect�ozl witli w�ich ihe proposed'- , <br />license wiIl operate ar�d its lacatian, w�et�aer ihe applicant is owner and apez-atar af <br />�he business, how long applicant has been in tha� business at that place and suc� <br />oth�r in�or�natio� as t�e City Couneil may req�ire fro�n time ta time. <br />2. �eri�cation: In addition to cantaining suc� inForrriatifln, the application shall be in <br />the form prescribed by �h� State Liquor Co��iro1 Direetor and sl�all bc veri�ed and <br />�led th� Ci�y Manager. Na persan s�all z�ake a false sta��mc�at in an <br />