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+ '�'he Il'I9�IC �ill r�a��aa�� ��st�y �a�ad�ta�� to ��sii�g h��nes: <br />o With the amendments bui�f anto the adoptian a� th�s code, �rivate hornes da <br />not have to be updated to e�sting cacies; t�ey are exemp�, as is naw fi�ze case. <br />o T�Ze Il'MC will requ�re z�i�or updating of saxr�e z'ental pxoperties such as <br />adding srr�oke detectors (the inex�ensive bat�ery-type) and inexpez�ive gro�n�3 <br />fa�it recep�a,cles in certai�� da��gerous locations (not having these receptacles <br />causes 300 dea�s �er yeax i�z the USA). <br />• II'MC is not �eeded, we &�ave cades i�o. place a�ready: <br />o�'xesently under the Ci�y Code staff �as au#hority fin address sorz�e extez�ior <br />�uilding maintenance (roo��g> pa�ting, eic.) but its ward�g is very vague <br />and its �aintenance s�andards ve�y �asic. <br />o Under �he State �ui�d��g Code sta�f has auihoz-ity io address issues that are <br />°U�safe' ar `dan�srous �o hum�i life'. <br />o Those iss�es an betw�en these two exirerrzes ea.r�ot now be a�equately <br />adc.�essed, s�c� as: <br />■ We had a house on Oxford wifh a Ieaki�g xa�� where rain water hacl <br />gotten in. The a�sula�zo� and sk�eet�ock were �'a�li�g fro� the c�i�i�ag, <br />wall s�eetrock was moldy, cazpe� rn�t�aag, floors wa.�ped. W� had no <br />authnrity to rec�tziz�e tl�e b��da��g be repai�red {otlaer than the shingles). <br />• We �ave �.�tu�erous properties where ikze exter�or is in c�isrepazr. The <br />TPMC has better specifics ior exterior �aix�tenanee, such as: <br />➢ T�e Il'MC states the exterior shall be free o�'sot�iz�g wond. <br />Under the Ci�y Code �lie rotted. wpod can simpiy be pa�ated (a <br />very comman iss�� vvith ren#a1 �zoperties}. <br />➢ i"�ze Il'1V�C s�afies walls ��aII be p�umb and Ievel. Uzzdcr the <br />City Code garages that ar� leaz�ing sideway� cannot b�; <br />required �o be re�aired. <br />➢ T�e 1PMC states that fou.ndat�o� wal�s s�all Iaav� no o�en <br />cr�eks or brea�lcs tlzat cauld allow tlxe entry cr� rodents — tlus <br />cat�not be e�orced by �he Cifiy Cade. <br />• Page 2 <br />