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appearance. Other amend�ents in the Bill of Rights also defend the rights of person,s wha are <br />accused of crimes. <br />The First Amendment is particularly irnportant to �uman rig�ts, because it protects the <br />freedams of speech, religion, and asset�bly. This constitutional amenclmexzt allc�ws Americans to <br />speak and believe what we want. But like the rest of the Bill af Rights, the First Azz�endment <br />only limits what the gover�ment can da. Ii does nat prevent stereotyping ar discrimination by <br />individual citizens. <br />That is a problem, because people everywl�ere tzaake judgmenis rr�uch too quickly about <br />other� and take actions based on race, ethniciry, religion, ar physical appearance. There are <br />newspaper articles daily about discrizz�ination and violence in the U.S. and nther countrzes that <br />resu3t �ro�n stereatyping and prejudice. It is important for middle schoolers like me to be aware <br />of whai is happening in other parts of the worid, but we have to remember that similar problems <br />exist closer to home. <br />The Minnesota Huma.� Rights Act helps prevent discrimination where we live. Unlike <br />the Bill af Rights, the Human Righ�s Aci daes nat apply just to the police or other government <br />officials. The Act prohibits discrizz�ination by emplayers, Iandlords, schoals, and banks and <br />ather busines�es. Dealing with prejudice in Minnesata is especially important now, because the <br />pop�lation of o�r state is changing rapidly. More mem�b�rs nf racial and ethnic minority groups <br />live here than ever befare. Members of these groups are more Iikely ta be the victims af <br />stereotyping, prejudice, and discriminatian. <br />The Minnesota Human Right� Act strengthens the human rights of alI who live in this <br />state, but it docs not apply in lots of situations i��valving people my age. Many teenagers do not <br />bother to learn what so�xzeane is like und�r the skin. We wauld rather judge athers by their <br />2 <br />