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""` ��' ��r.'..'.4...:�..�..4,�.?`t.:t� <br />-.��•S�,.i'`v<` 'E. <br />��f t � � E.� � � �.. <br />.-.'.�.1�_� x,..�5 �� i� � <br />Long Range Planning and Team Building <br />Mayor and Council members, <br />My name is Dauglas Raot and tor�ig#�t I am representing the Roseville Citizens League {RCL), a <br />non-partisar�, non-profit ci�ic organization w�th over one hundred members organized unde� th� <br />provisions of IRS 501(c){4). <br />Roseville �teeds a fr�sh long range pE�n fashioned after the Vista 200Q process artd resulting <br />Vista 2A00 report v+fiich was first re#eased in the 1990's and was recentfy re�ised in 2(?t13. I <br />suggest t�-iat ViSTA 2024 should be used as a consistent name for the r�eact Rosevilie lang range <br />planning process. This process will rec�uire substantiai community input and collecting <br />community fnput and identifying prior�iies for Roseville's future are time cansuming pracesses, <br />that shouid not be nashed to meet arbitr�ary deadfines. We should begin now to collect <br />cnmrnunity input and to form a community co�sensus arour�d auf shared �ision for the fufure o# <br />Rosevipe. <br />There is alsa a need €or more effcient and e#Fective deliberatior� by the city r.�uncil as �s obviaus <br />to many obserrrers of council proceedings. I# seems likeiy ihat an effecti�e facilitato� coufd be <br />heipful in impro�ing #he fur�ction of the city council ar�d providing more effective municipa� <br />gavemment. R successful team buiiding program for th� cuRent council is an investment that is <br />s�apported by the Rose�ille Citizens League. <br />However, tt�e team building program should noi delay the start af a VlSTA 2p2A long range <br />pfanning process. Additianaliy, the lorrg range plan�i�g process should not be r.nnstrained by <br />the requirement to provide to the Metrapolitan Counctl an updated comprehensive pfan in 2008. <br />If #he process of assembling community input into a long range plan req�rires more time than is <br />avai�able before ihe r�quired compr�hensive plan update, then, p�rhaps, a provisionai update to <br />the c�mprehensi�e pian shouid be prepared by s#aH` an� c.auncil, whi�e the on-goir�g VISTA <br />2020 process calfects comme�nity ir�put. <br />T�night, on beha{f of the Rnsevilie Ciiizer�s League, I calf on each o� you to support initiating a <br />iong range planning process immediately, without waiting for the comp�etion af a team-bui(dir�g <br />program for the council. Further, ! request fhat yau identify an appropriate outside facilitator tn <br />direct the long-range pla�ning process. Finally, I request that you pro�ide the �acilitator wifh your <br />indidicfu�l anc! coil�ciive commitment that the results of a Vista 202D long range p�anning <br />process wifi be giwen the highes# ca�siderat�on when this council takes ac#ions of importance to <br />the future of Rose�ille. <br />I appreciate your attentian to these concems as do #he members of the RoseVilfe Citizens <br />League and I hope that a!I Roseville citizens wi!! cantinue to support aur part�ci�atory, <br />represen#ative municipal govemmer�t and this council, <br />Thank You <br />�au�las Raat <br />Chairman, Roseville Citizens League <br />651-B9i-9183 <br />