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What is your view ofthe role of this l'a�n�ro����iiw�[:Umrn�r#r�,fl �sk Furcc' <br />�•�� ���_�!�.�rti��. i��__C�:r�'.�SJ ��. �J'���.._ �-��.. �,��.���i,l.'�'�.t � <br />,.�.�:3. � .►•!� � � � � �'�'C� L. � � �'� � ,+��+1 f� �� rs �,r; 3 <br />�y�t+4~t,[��r �'�.��� .��r F . O�� f? L 1�4�' �C= <br />—. �stJ�L_ ti � �,. . f�*.'� �1��. _. �.t�, tix�� �- � t��i �, . "Tr� �r�+� is.� �. �r,? <br />� �L�� • �'�C��� �}�L.� � 4 ra i� lA i r �.3'T� 7�r-l� r-+� ���. _ _� �_1�..� <br />�x� .�#�� � '��_ r� f� ���.:�����''� �.J� �..�. .. � 1�� �,� �'� <br />�It+�' �'s�G�; �l+�c'� �+�sy,`r��r i�yi-�r�ieuir�� �+oari� ���e ��aa C:�t}r �,�ci� :a cso�4idcx�r� �.r� �'. <br />�r��+yar� fe�t rs ��wa� � f#� {.�v�ar,r�f,ro�x�f�p� �r�.F �,e,bn�. k'p�r hiay a?s� �fai� ot��e�r m��rr�s}+oar ���� <br />: ;k?i, tc� fr�� ��� �'�i�ax i. �r� �:p.'25'If�': �. � _ ,. _ , '� �f� <br />�� � � � . ��� � � <br />Tennessen Warning • Some or all the information that you are asked to provide is classified by State law as either private ar <br />confidential. Private data is information that generally cannot be given to the public but can be given to the subject of the data. <br />Confidential data is information that generally cannot be given ln either the public r�r the s��b;act of the date. <br />�fhe C'sty of Roseville is collecting the information to deiermine qualifications ;ti serve on 3 Citizen Advisary Commission. <br />You arr not le�;ally required to provide this information. However, ifyou do not supply the information, you may not serve on <br />a Cilizen Advisory Commission. <br />C)ther persons or entities autharized by law to receive this information are City Council members, staff, residents of Rosevilie <br />and interested others. <br />I understand that all information provided in this application, except my telephone numbers, fax number and <br />m a i 1 address, may be distributed by the City to the public including but not limited tq being posted on the <br />City of Roseville website. I agree to waive any and all claims under the Minsiesota Government Data <br />Practices Act, or any other applicable state and federal law, that in any way related to the disseminationto the <br />public of information contained in this application that would be classi�ed as private under such laws. I <br />understand that I may contact the responsible authority for the City of Roseville if I have any questions <br />regardingthe public or private nature ofthe information provided. <br />I understand tl�at the City will not publish my phone or fax numbers or ernai� address without my authorization <br />and do hereby allow the City to publish (checic all that apply). <br />—hnme telephone number <br />—worlc telephone number <br />home emai� address <br />—worlc ernail address �; -�� <br />t <br />. � r� i <br />-----.� . . _ .��.�� <br />�. �. ,��tr��,� � <br />- �. -�4-a� <br />Date ofApplication <br />