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Awards and recognition <br />� <br />CCHT has been privileged to receive the following awards and recognition. : <br />2005 "Children's .�•,i.:. ��'•.i;� Award" from The Sheltering Ari7is Foundation for St. 13arnabas Apartments <br />2004 "Project of the Yc��.r'° from [he Mi�anesot�� ConSn�uctionAssociation for the L�inorea��x I�k��,i:.: i.•:, <br />2003 "Sa�i�trt Grawtl� Design Award" fGOt�� lOQO Friends of Mi�inesota for �ast Village <br />2002 "��i�lity of Life" award }�-o��i�t ;-••,� Mim�ea�olis Regional Ct�lan��er of Con��ne�cc, for 1822 Park <br />Avenue <br />2001 Award for "significant achi�ve�leilr_ in design and aestlietic excellence" �xoin CUE, for East ViL1a�c <br />2001 "Most In�lovative Housing Project" award �i�oz�, tlle Minnea�olis Neigl�l�orhood Revitalization <br />Program (N1�17}, for i.i�- East Village Fni�ced�inco�ne, _i. �ti• -. �.-project <br />2000 National "MaxwellAward of Excellence" Honorable Mcntion froin �; ;.� Fannie Mae 1"our�d�tioi�, for <br />the 1'hiitips ReDesi� i i�iousin� project <br />2000 Award for °sig�iificant achie�ez�etlt in design and aesthetic excellence" from CUE, for "Celebrating <br />Families in Phillips, Boys anc� Girls C�uU" event <br />1999 National "Maxwell Award of Excellence" Finalist, frauz i_k- Faiu�ie Mae Fotindatioi�. for Alliance <br />Apart�ments <br />1999 National ",�olinJ. CiuzltZler �31t.te Ribbon Best Practices'° award �z�o��. tl�e U.S. Department of �lotisin� <br />and Urban ~�:•�.••.•;•. �� •_i i.•: i i. for Alliance Apartments <br />1999 National "E.xcellence in Affordable Ho��sitlb' Honorable Mention f1on� '�i� Metia�olitan ��i% <br />Foundation, for the YotttlZ Housing 17roject (Arcl�d��le} <br />1999 "Divc;rsiry Award" :froax� [he Minneapolis Foundation <br />1999 "Cotnm«nity Award", "x •r' the Federal Hoa7�e Loan Bank <br />1999 "Achieve��.et�t" award froin tlle Greater Mincieapolis MetropoliCa�i Housing Corporation <br />�997 National "MaxwellAward of F_xcelle�ice" ::��:��.-..d�:: Mention, from �::.: Fat�nie Mae Foundation, for <br />1-lousing Project for I-lomelessYouth (Archdale) <br />1995 Minneapolis 1-leritage Preservation C�on�anissioz� award, for renovation of the Coiitinental Hotel <br />1625 Park Avenue. Minneapolis, Nfinnesota 55404 • 612-341-3146 � FAX 612-341 4208 • <br />