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Wl�atis y o u view of the role of this Cn�nm�sszaz�lCqa���tee1'�'askF't.►�•cc? <br />Increase awareness and understanding of diversity issues, ��st�e inclusi�vity and <br />participation, clarify standards a�.ac� expectations, enforce con��liance, a��+� create fair.- <br />an���rri �rri �t� ren��d�e� and resolutions. _ , <br />Otl��r Comments: (Include any furthe� raafarrnation you would lik� the City �'o�rtc�l to consider or <br />thut you, fea,� is relevant to the c�p�aintltt��tt you cr.r� seelcin� You r�2ay also a1t�Ch o1.h�r materials you <br />would Iike the Cou.ra�cil to considerJ <br />Tenn�tsen Watllitlg - Some or all the information that you arc asked to provide is classified by 5t�tu law as cithcr ������� or <br />conlidenlial. Privaic data is infoml�tion that �cnerai[y cannot be given la I:h.c public but can be given ta the subject of :�: ti�;��u, <br />Confide�i�iai data is iriC�rrn�faUt� that gcnorxlly cannot be given to either the p�i�blic or th� subjcct of il�e data <br />T'hc City of �tasevs3le is collectiilg ti�e informationto cletarminc c�u;�lificatians to .Se�ve on a CitizesY A�lvisory Commission. <br />You are sGC lcg�lly rcquzrcd ta providc this infonnation. �iawever, ifyou do not supply thc infonnation, you m1y a�4t serve un <br />a Citizen Ad�isa�y Commission. <br />Clthcr persons i:r cntiti�s autf�orized by law to 12Ce1Ve tllis infonnation t�rr: City Council mcmkaers, staff, residents of ROSeville <br />and i�ler�st�d ��Lr� i. <br />I tu2dersiand �i�L all iz�Co��tibn. provided m th�s application, exccpt my telephone nunibars, f� n�unber and <br />e�aai.t address, may be distributed by t�.e City to �I�� public including,l.nrt not limited tq hcit7.g ppstc;cl on the <br />City of Rosavitfe w�1?site. I agree La wnive:= k� �nd �� claimsundcr L;r ��'J��i i�s�'a Gt�r�n�c�; Data <br />Practices Act, or any Ot�1�� applicable st�te and federallaw,l:iaL in any way rGl�CCd to the diss�rr�iation to t1�e <br />publ'ac of infam�a�iata contained in this application tl�at wat�ld be classified as private under such laws. I <br />ar�3�°.r,c] ;wk1 I may contact the responsible authority for t�.e City of Ros�villa if I have ��y questions <br />regarding the public or private :�atut�e of the infozmataoii provided. <br />I understar�.d �li�� Ihe City will not publish my phone or f� ntux�bexs or email ac3dress without my a��Ek�arizatini} <br />�►1d do hereby allow the City to publish (���ek all �� apply). <br />_home teleplia�z� number <br />—worlc telephone nua�zbeX` <br />X home ernail address A <br />worlc cmail address <br />�ig�7�tu,� ��f r �, r <br />rlppCicatian 05{J513 <br />���� ���� <br />'x-�,� <br />Date of Application <br />���,i �J�� � � ��� ���������� <br />
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