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�Yha�t ���ous Yi�w oi the rnl� � t�ls Commi��m�+€'awrNtt�Cas3c ��e? <br />Other Comments: (Include any further infornzation you would like the City Council to consider or <br />that you feel is relevant to the appointment you are seeking. You may also attach other materials you <br />would ���r�• the Council to consider) <br />Tennessen Warning - Some or all the information that you are asked to provide is classified by State law as either private or <br />confidentiaL Private data is information that generally cannot be given to the public but can he given to the subject of the data. <br />Confidential data is information that generally cannothe given to either the public or the subject of the data. <br />The City of Roseville is collecting the information to defermine qualifications to serve on a Citizen Advisory Commission. <br />You are not legally required to provide this information. However, if you do not supply the information, you may not serve on <br />a Citizen Advisory Commission. <br />Other persons or entities authorized by law to receive this information are City Council members, staff, residents of Roseville <br />and interested othen. <br />I understand that all informationprovided in this application, except my telephone numbers, fax z�u�t>er and <br />etnaal address, may be distributed by the City to the public including, but not limited to, being posted on the <br />City of Rosev�l�e website_ I agree to waive any and a� claims under the Minnesota Government Data <br />Practices Act, or any other applicable state and fedezal law, that in any way related to the dissemination to the <br />public o finformation contained in this applicationthat would be classified as private under such laws. � <br />understand that I may contact the responsible authority for the City of Roseville if I have any questions <br />regarding the public or private nature of the informationprovided. <br />I understand that the City will not publish my phone or fax numbers or e�ail address without my authorization <br />and do hereby allow the City to publish (check all that apply). <br />�hame telephone number <br />wark telephone ntainber <br />home enna�l address <br />wark ema�l address <br />-� �y++++�� •� <br />,� S]o �fku� �f }4 <br />,4ppltcat€on OSD523 <br />Date of :� p�i3utt1�11 <br />F <br />4�_ <br />� <br />
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