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D���: 44/10/06 <br />Item: 7. <br />"Quick-Take" Procedure <br />-� <br />• ' i <br />TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCI� MEMBERS <br />FROM: PHILLIP R. KRASS <br />SLJBJ�Ci: TWIN LAlC�5 COND�MNATlDN <br />FILE N�.: 9987-20 <br />DATE: APRIL 6, 2D06 <br />On April 10'h I will ba present during your consideratio� of a Resolution au#horizing a"quick <br />take" af three of #he five parcels w�ich the Councii last December authorized tn b� #aken by <br />condemnation. These particular three parceis are all n�cessary to cammence cQnstruction of <br />roadway improverr►en#s within the projecl. <br />So there is no rr7is��derstanding, #i�e Resolution you will cor�sider on Monday evening, is not to <br />authorize condemnatian, That has already been dane. Monday's Res��ution is simply to <br />appro�e ti�� appraisais on the thrae properties in questian, copies of whic� are �eing delivered <br />to you, and ta authorsze the "quick take" process af acquisition so that the redeve[op�r can <br />begin construction of roadways. <br />The Coniract which #he City executed with the Rsdeve9oper ]asf summer provides in Section 3.2 <br />as follows: <br />"The City ..., if request�d, will proceed in accordance witF� Minnesota Statutes <br />§ 117.042, the quick take provisior�." <br />The Redevelc�p�r has pravided and filed with the City a�.etter ai Credit in terms drafied 6y our <br />office ta provide fhe security r�quired in Section 3.3 af th� Contract. <br />Monday night's requested action is simply the next step required of the City by the Contract the <br />City has with the Redeveloper. ��e Rede�eloper has taken all actions necessary to make the <br />"quick take" request provided in tY�e Contract, an� it is our recommendatian that the Gity <br />authorize ihe "quick take" by passing the Resolution we have submitfed. The Contra�t between <br />ihe parties r�quires this next step to be taken. <br />PRKIph <br />G: 51'PDA7A R`ftDSEV1 LLE 4937 30' b9�n�10�D1�Y0& AND CQUNCIL PR1: 2.D�C <br />