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REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION <br />���:1.11I11:t'lIL !��]"]:'�•'� ��: <br />I I F' t� i Y� <br />DATE: 04110106 <br />ITEM NO: 3.g <br />� I�ti' �{aLILi:�E;� ?����ll'Q5';I �s'���7���1 �LCI:{ti:�. <br />���.�.�#r ���{ �.•��'� - - � f}1�1.-�.�. <br />Item Description: Request by Speedway S«perAn3erica for an AMENDMENT to an <br />existing CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT at 2295 Rice Street, to allow <br />the installation of si�na�e oz�. to the fuel canopy (PF3711). <br />1.0 BACKGROUND: <br />1.1 Lawrence Si��� and Speedway S�perAn�erica (SA) propose a sign on tlae canopy of the <br />SA store located at 2295 Rice Street. The conditional use pern�it originally issued in 1996 <br />did not mention signage on the canopy. Staff and applicants have verified the size of the <br />proposed canopy signs; the amount of existing signage on the building; and the total <br />amount of sig��age allowed on the structure by City Code. <br />1.2 The signs (2) as proposed are 41.56 sc�. ft or 83 sq. ft., which an3oun� would be added to <br />the existing signage of 113 sq. ft. (car wash — 45 sq. ft., walllread�� board — 24 sq. ft., and <br />wall sign — 44 sq. ft.) for a grand total of 196 sq. ft. The property is zoned B-2, Retail <br />Business District. This zoning designation allows wall signage at 10% of the size of the <br />front (entry) building wall or 200 scJ. �t. whichever is greater. In the case of this structure <br />the 200 sq. ft. is the greater allowance. (Other Roseville SA conveniei�celfu�l stores have <br />similar configurations of signage on the canopy.) <br />1.3 The Conditional use permit request is to allow two 41.56 sq. ft. signs to be added; one to <br />the east side and one to the north side of the fuel canopy; with total sigr�age not to exceed <br />a��naximum of 200 sq. ft. of wall signag�_ With existing signage at 113 sc�. ft., the <br />additional 83 sq. ft. brings the proposed total to 196 sq. ft. <br />2.0 <br />2.1 <br />2.2 <br />3.0 <br />3.1 <br />SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS: <br />The Community Development Staff recommends approval of the request by Speedway <br />SuperArrierica for an AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT allowing fuel canopy <br />signage at 2295 Rice Street, subject to conditions. <br />At the March 1 st Planning Commission meeting, the Cominissioil r�coinin�i�ded <br />a�ro�val, tla.en reviewed a�� �rpdate at the April 5`'' meeting and concurred with the staff <br />recommendation <br />SUGGESTED COUNCIL ACTION: <br />BY RESOLUTION approve of a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for Speedway <br />SuperAr�lerica subject to the following revised conditions: <br />