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perform all audits of the basic grant amounts and resulting program income as required <br />under the Act and Regulations. <br />J. All projects undertaken pursuant to this Agreement shall be subject to home rule charter <br />provisions, assessment, planning, zoning, sanitary, and building laws, ordinances and <br />regulations applicable to the Municipality in which the project is situated <br />T�. The parties further agree that pursuant to 24 CFR 570.501 (b), the Municipality is subject <br />to the same requirements applicable to subrecipients, including a written agreement as set <br />forth in 24 CFR 570.503. <br />L. By executing this Agreement the Municipality understands that it: <br />may not apply for grants from appropriations under the Small Cities or State <br />CDBG Programs for fiscal years during the period in which it participates in the <br />Authority's CDBG program; and <br />2. may participate in a HOME Program only through the Authority. If Ramsey <br />County does not receive a HOME formula allocation, zhe Municipality may not <br />form a HOME consortium with other units of general local government. <br />M. Both the Authority and Municipality are obliged to take all actions necessary to assure <br />compliance with Ramsey County's certification required by section 104{b) of Title I of <br />the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, including Title VI <br />of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, section 109 of Title I of the <br />Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, and other applicable laws. The <br />Authority is prohibited �roz� funding for activities, in or in support of, any cooperating <br />unit of general local government that does not affirmatively further fair housing within its <br />own jurisdiction or that impedes its actions to comply with its fair housing certification. <br />N. The Municipality has adopted and is enforcing: <br />RESTATED JOINT COOPERATION AGREEMENT <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />