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DISCUSSION ON GOAL OF EMERGENCY MANAGk>ME�NT EXERCISE <br />page two <br />Ob.iectives/Action Steps <br />To achieve the goal of activating and operating the city EOC, we have identified several needed <br />action steps that include: <br />1) Pretest city IT and telephone system upgrades in the EOC room. <br />2) Implement federally mandated NIMS and WMD training to identify critical city <br />employees, according to their level of operational responsibility. <br />3) Design and plan the EOC activation exercise with city emergency management staff and <br />Ramsey County HSEM staff (exercise design and tabletop completed pre-activation). <br />4) Complete 800 MHz radio coverage testing and code plug design for selected <br />interoperable talk groups. <br />5) Complete just-in-time 800 MHz radio system operational training for city emergency <br />responders in July/Ae�gust 2006. <br />6) Installation of 800 MHz radio equipment in emergency response vehicles and EOC in <br />JulylAugust 2006. <br />7) Tabletop review of critical city staff inember responsibilities under the EOP prior to the <br />EOC activation exercise. <br />8) Full EOC activation exercise. <br />There are many action steps that must be completed prior to an activation of the city EOC for an <br />emergency management exercise. Each of these actions steps is critical to the successful EOC <br />activation. <br />Fi�la[ Comments <br />The activation of the city EOC, city EOF/ Incident Command Structure, and testing of our new IT <br />and 800 MHz radio systems, should be intended as a learning exercise for city staff members and <br />emergency responders. It is a very complex event that will require a strong commitment to pre- <br />event staff training and technological testing of new radio equipment. <br />Testing the response of city emergency responders and staff to a disaster event through an EOC <br />activation exercise, will prepare us to assist our citizens during an actual disaster. <br />Staff welcomes Council input and direction as we continue to define the goals and actions steps <br />
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